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Semantic Index evaluations

This page contains information about different experiments we have carried out using the semantic index.

List of evaluations (most recent first):

  • LUBM3X-lite benchmarks (KR12). These are in detailed reports on our experimentation and benchmarking with Quest, Sesame, Jena, Owlgres, Owlim and other systems using LUBM3x-lite. Measures considered here are loading times and query execution performance. Techniques evaluated here are Semantic Index, TBox optimizing, forward chaining, CNF and DNF query rewrtings.
  • LUBM, Semantic Index and TBox optimization w.r.t. dependencies. These result show a preliminary evaluation of the techniques in an scenario with a DLLiteA ontology. The results show that the combination of all techniques renders very simple queries that provide good performance.
  • Resource Index and Semantic Index (KR12). These results detail our experimentation with the semantic index and the Resource Index, the application winner of the Semantic Web Challenge 2010. The results indicate that the Semantic Index technique is as effective as a full ABox expansion in the case of concept hierarchies. It also indicates that query answering techniques based only on reformulation can not scale as well.
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