Ontopmaven - ConstantB/ontop-spatial GitHub Wiki

Using Ontop as Maven dependencies


Since the release of version 1.10, Ontop has been deployed to the central maven repository.

All artifacts have the groupId it.unibz.inf.ontop.

The artifactsId's are ontop, ontop-obdalib-core, ontop-obdalib-owlapi3, ontop-obdalib-protege4, ontop-obdalib-sesame, ontop-obdalib-r2rml, ontop-quest-db, ontop-quest-owlapi3, ontop-quest-sesame, ontop-reformulation-core.

You may want to check the up-to-date info at the following link:


Ontop as an OWLAPI library

For instance, if you want to use the owlapi interface of Ontop, put the following in your pom.xml:


Ontop as a Sesame library

If you want to use the sesame API interface of Ontop, use the following:


Ontop with R2RML

If you need to use Ontop with R2RML, put the following dependency


and add the bolzano maven repo to your pom.xml

			<!-- for R2RML api -->

A complete example

For a complete example, please visit https://github.com/ontop/ontop-api-examples .

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