ObdalibQuestTroubleshooting - ConstantB/ontop-spatial GitHub Wiki

Quest Troubleshooting

I want to debug the reasoner but the message log doesn't provide a complete information. How do I change it?

As you already aware, the Quest module produces operational log messages that appear in the console window. Currently, we set the logging level into minimum for simple debugging. However, if you're interested to know the details, follow these instructions below.

  1. In your working directory, find an XML file called logback.xml. This file should be located in the same directory as the code file.
   <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
         <pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.sss} |-%-5level in %logger{36} - %msg%n</pattern>
   <!-- Main component -->
   <logger name="it.unibz.krdb.obda.owlrefplatform.core.QuestOWL" level="DEBUG" />
   <logger name="it.unibz.krdb.obda.owlrefplatform.core.QuestOBDAStatement" level="DEBUG" />

   <!-- Query Rewriting component -->
   <logger name="it.unibz.krdb.obda.owlrefplatform.core.reformulation" level="DEBUG" />

   <!-- Query Unfolding component -->
   <logger name="it.unibz.krdb.obda.owlrefplatform.core.unfolding" level="DEBUG" />

   <!-- Query Generator component -->
   <logger name="it.unibz.krdb.obda.owlrefplatform.core.srcquerygeneration" level="DEBUG" />
   <!-- Optimization component -->
   <logger name="it.unibz.krdb.obda.owlrefplatform.core.tboxprocessing" level="DEBUG" />
   <!-- ABox Processing component (Classic Mode only) -->
   <logger name="it.unibz.krdb.obda.owlrefplatform.core.abox" level="DEBUG" />
   <!-- DAG Analyzer component (Classic Mode only) -->
   <logger name="it.unibz.krdb.obda.owlrefplatform.core.dag" level="DEBUG" />

   <root level="INFO">
      <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
  • Generally, the logback file contains all the components of the reasoner (e.g., rewriting, unfolding, etc.). Remove the comment symbols to enable logging for a certain part.
  • Additionally, if you want to enable logging for ALL components of the reasoner then change the root level into DEBUG.
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