ObdalibQuestSesameInstall - ConstantB/ontop-spatial GitHub Wiki

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Using Quest as a SPARQL endpoint requires to webserver to run Sesame Workbench and some extra setup to install Quest. There are three ways to do this which we now list. Please try the first options first, these are the easiest ones.

Using the ready to run Jetty package

This is by far the easiest way to run a Quest SPARQL endpoint. You will simply need to run the pre-configured Jetty webserver.

  • Download the ZIP file marked as "Jetty-Quest" from our Download page
  • Unzip the package into some folder, for example: /usr/jetty
  • Setup the variable JETTY_HOME to point to this folder. In Unix/Mac this can be done using the export command, e.g,
export JETTY_HOME=/Users/mariano/Downloads/
  • Run the server with the command
java -jar start.jar

If you need to change the default port, or to you want to increase the memory available for the server (recommended for best performance) you should modify the etc/jetty.xml and jetty.ini files respectively. For more information about Jetty and how to configure/run the web server follow this link.

TIP: Increase your web-server's memory to get the best performance.
TIP: Keep in mind that the Jetty webserver and the Sesame workbench are systems that are independent from Quest, and hence we do not provide documentation on them. If you have any issues running the webserver/workbench please also check Jetty and Sesame's documentation.


If you get the error of the form:

No suitable driver found for jdbc:postgresql://....
You need to copy the corresponding JDBC driver into $JETTY_HOME/lib/ext.

Installing Quest using the prepacked Sesame Workbench

This are the instructions to setup a Quest SPARQL endpoint in an existing Web Server such as Apache Tomcat (Version 6 only, version 7 seems to be incompatible with Sesame's workbench) or others. This is the second easiest option to install Quest. We have pre-packed Quest into the WAR files of Sesame 2.6.9 and you will simply need to drop this wars into the webapps folder of your web server as follows:

  • Download [openrdf-sesame.war] and [openrdf-workbench.war] from our website.
  • Put the two files in your server's [Server_Home]/webapps folder.
  • Start the server.
  • Browse to http://localhost:8080/openrdf-workbench.

If everything went right, you should see the main page with the list of repositories. More importantly, if you try to create a new repository, the drop down menu will include Quest virtual and classic repositories.

Installing Quest in an arbitrary Sesame Workbench

This are the instructions to create your own sesame workbench .war files from scratch. Use this if you cannot the pre-packed .war files (for example, because you need a different version of Sesame). First, the user should download the Sesame framework package:

Then, in order to make Quest available through Sesame, it is needed to drop the necessary libraries into a specific folder of the provided war files:

  • Download "Quest-libraries" from our Download page.
  • Unzip it to a temporary folder [Quest_libraries].
  • Copy openrdf-sesame.war file from [Sesame_home/war] to a new location.
  • Open the war file and navigate to [WEB-INF/lib].
  • Copy all the jar files from [Quest_libraries] to [WEB_INF/lib].
  • Copy openrdf-worbkench.war file from [Sesame_home/war] to a new location.
  • Open the war file and navigate to [WEB-INF/lib].
  • Copy all the jar files from [Quest_libraries] to [WEB_INF/lib].

To make Quest visible on the Sesame Workbench, the following file manipulation must be carried out on openrdf-workbench.war:

  • Download "Workbench-Quest" from our Download page.
  • Extract it to a new temporary folder.
  • Copy [messages.xsl] and replace the one in [locale/].
  • Copy [create-quest-inmemory.xsl] and [create-quest-virtual.xsl] and put them into [transformations/].
  • Copy the folder [org] (containing org/openrdf/console/quest-inmemory.ttl, quest-virtual.ttl) and put it into [WEB_INF/classes/].

Lastly, one can deploy the system by dropping the war files into the hosting server's specific folder:

If everything went right, you should see the main page with the list of repositories:

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