ObdalibQuestOntologylanguage - ConstantB/ontop-spatial GitHub Wiki

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Ontology Language

Note that the ontology language supported by Quest is work in progress. We start with OWL 2 QL (a fragment of) and we will be extending to go beyond OWL 2 QL, including constructs like self, and on the left side of subclass assertions and qualified existential quantification on the left side of subclass assertions. These constructs will be available as soon as we can guarantee fast query answering. Also, in the near future we will add support for rules.

Current language

Quest supports OWL 2 QL with some restrictions. We allow all OWL2QL subclass assertions except those involving negation.

In general we disallow for:

OWL 2 QL supports the following axioms, constrained so as to be compliant with the mentioned restrictions on class expressions:

  • class expression disjointness (DisjointClasses)
  • disjoint properties (DisjointObjectProperties and DisjointDataProperties)
  • symmetric properties (SymmetricObjectProperty)
  • DifferentIndividuals
Most of these restrictions are relatively easy to lift and we will remove them very soon.

Data types

At the moment Quest only supports rdfs:Literal.

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