ObdalibQuestOntology - ConstantB/ontop-spatial GitHub Wiki

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Ontology Language in Quest

Quest supports OWL 2 QL and RDFS with some restrictions. Note that entailment regimes are always active when doing query answering with Quest.

 > Please note that when Quest deals with an Ontology that contains axioms that are not supported, 
 > it will not fail. It will ignore the offending axiom and will print a warning message in the debugging console. 


Quest supports all OWL 2 QL constructs except:

OWL 2 QL supports the following axioms, constrained so as to be compliant with the mentioned restrictions on class expressions:

  • class expression disjointness (DisjointClasses)
  • disjoint properties (DisjointObjectProperties and DisjointDataProperties)
  • symmetric properties (SymmetricObjectProperty)
  • DifferentIndividuals
These restrictions will remove them very soon.


RDFS support in Quest is very non-standard. Soon we will make sure that the system is more compliant. For the moment we support inferences related to:

We support:

  • rdfs:type
  • rdfs:subClassOf
  • rdfs:subPropertyOf
  • rdfs:domain
  • rdfs:range
Currently we don't support any of the axiomatic triples of the RDFS regime. We also handle bnodes as simple URIs, e.g., no graph scope. List, Collections and other RDF(S) features are handled as simple triples.

What can you do with OWL 2 QL/RDFS inference?

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