ObdalibQuestDatabases - ConstantB/ontop-spatial GitHub Wiki

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Database Engines

Quest supports connections to any JDBC enabled database. Only one data source is allowed in Quest, if you have an OBDA file in which more than 1 datasources are defined, Quest will generate an exception. For integration of data from multiple databases see the section Virtual mode

For enabling connections to your source the JDBC driver must be available in Quest classpath.

Virtual mode requirements

The virtual mode in Quest requires the use of the string concatenation operator. The standard SQL 99 operator is the double bar. However not all databases support this operator. We have enabled Oracle's and DB2's concatenation operator in our code. If your database doesn't use the standard operator please contact the authors for support.

Data integration of multiple sources in virtual mode

If you require to integrate data coming from multiple sources you need to use data federation tools to create 1 single virtual database with links to the rest of your databases. For example, in Oracle this is done by means of db_links. Once you define the virtual database you should add the connection information of this databases to your OBDA model and make mappings for it. The rest is as usual.

Using DB2

Using DB2 requires the DB2 Universal Driver, which can be downloaded from here.

The identifier for this driver is com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver. A JDBC connection for this driver looks like this: jdbc:db2://;

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