ObdalibPluginFilter - ConstantB/ontop-spatial GitHub Wiki


There are six types of filter in which each has a expression word.

  • Text Filter: Matches any given string in the mapping id, target query and source query (Expression: text).
  • Target String Filter: Matches any given string in the target query (Expression: target).
  • Source String Filter: Matches any given string in the source query (Expression: source).
  • Function Filter: Matches any given string in the object term of the target query (Expression: funct).
  • Predicate Filter: Matches any given string in the predicate of the mappings (Expression: pred).
  • ID Filter: Matches any given string to the mapping id (Expression: id).
The filter works by typing the expression followed by the search keywords in the given text field. It is possible to put more than one search keyword by separating them using a comma. Users can also combine different filters to create a narrow result by separating them using a semi-colon. Use the check box "Apply Filters" to disable/enable this filtering feature.
Since version 1.7, the filter panel is located at the bottom of Mapping Manager tab.


  • To find arbitrary string in the mapping list (the text expression is optional here).
book, editor

  • To find mappings that has a mapping id "Book"

  • A combination of different filters.
book, author; pred:name

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