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KBO Lab 10

Lecturer: Mariano Rodriguez-Muro ( This site contains the material for the KBO Lab 2010.


During this lab the main objective will be the development of a project that will count for 59% of this half of the course. The evaluation of the project project will be done acording to the following criteria:

  • Clarity and completeness of documentation
  • Code structure and documentation
  • Correctness of the output

Available projects

The following are the available project choices:

  • KroObdascenario
  • KroQueryanswering
  • KroRdfobda
  • KroXmlsources
Note, if you have a project idea not included here you can suggest it. If the project is suitable, i.e., it has relevance with respect to OBDA, DL-LiteA reasoning and Semantic Web technologies, we can discuss further details.


For each project, the student will present 3 deliverable in fixed dates.

  • 29-April: General documentation (literature review/candidate proposal/candidate architecture)
  • 24-May: First prototype together with documentation and personal-review
  • June (3 days before the exam): Final deliverable. Complete documentation, software and interview.

Links of interest

Quonto/OBDA Plugin quick start guide

Additional OBDALib, OBDA Plugin and Quonto information (incomplete/fragments)

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