Developerhowtorelease - ConstantB/ontop-spatial GitHub Wiki

How to release to a new version

Create a git branch for release

$ git checkout develop
$ git checkout -b release/v-number

Update the version numbers

Update, plugin.xml and as in How to update Version number to a SNAPSHOT version (e.g. 1.12.0-SNAPSHOT)

$ emacs ./
$ emacs ./obdalib-core/src/main/resources/it/unibz/krdb/obda/utils/
$ emacs ./obdalib-protege41/src/main/resources/plugin.xml

Build maven packages

$ mvn release:clean

# Preparing the release will create the new tag in git and automatically push to github
# When 100% sure, you can skip the test by `-Darguments="-DskipTests"`
$ mvn -DperformRelease=true release:prepare

# stage the release
$ mvn release:perform 

Run Build script from server

$ ./ 


  • Travis-CI
  • run ontop-test manually
  • run the protege plugin test


  • Upload the files to the Bolzano webDAV server

  • Stage the artifacts in sonatype

  • Update the document of wiki and ontop website

  • Send release emails to several maillists

Prepare for next development iteration

Update branches:

Merge the tag for the release to master and the release branch to develop

$ git checkout master
$ git merge v-number # tag

$ git checkout develop
$ git merge release/v-number #branch 

Time for celebration!