Setting up the Server Book Tab [Description] - CommanderBeelo/DayZ-Expansion-Scripts GitHub Wiki

Server Info tab

Where do you need to go ?

Go to DayZServer\ServerProfile (or config)\ExpansionMod\Settings and open the BookSettings.json

Expansion Server Settings Path

Inside this file you should have something similar like the following lines:

Expansion Server Book Settings File

How does it work ?

"Descriptions": [
        "CategoryName": "My First Category",
        "Descriptions": [
                "DescriptionText": "My first paragraph !"
                "DescriptionText": "And my second paragraph :)"
        "CategoryName": "My Second Category",
        "Descriptions": [
                "DescriptionText": "And this paragraph is in a new category"

REMOVE the , from }, at the last DescriptionText and Descriptions entry.


Array. A list of description categories.

"Descriptions" -> "CategoryName"

String. The title of this category.

"Descriptions" -> "Descriptions"

Array. A list of description for this category

"Descriptions" -> "Descriptions" -> "DescriptionText"

String. This is where you will write your paragraph.