Setting up the Server Book Tab [Buttons] - CommanderBeelo/DayZ-Expansion-Scripts GitHub Wiki

Server Info tab

Where do you need to go ?

Go to DayZServer\ServerProfile (or config)\ExpansionMod\Settings and open the BookSettings.json

Expansion Server Settings Path

Inside this file you should have something similar like the following lines: Expansion Server Book Settings File

How does it work ?

    "Name": "Feedback",
    "URL": "",
    "IconName": "Forums",
    "IconColor": -14473430
    "Name": "My Name To Display",
    "URL": "My Link here",
    "IconName": "MyIconHere",
    "IconColor": -14473430

REMOVE the , from }, on the last server button config entry.


Array. Contain a list of social links.

"Links" -> "Name"

String. The name to display

"Links" -> "URL"

String. The URL used for this link

"Links" -> "IconName"

String. The icon to display. A list will be provided later

"Links" -> "IconColor"

Integrer. The color of the icon

Use this website to generate the color you want to apply on your Icon!

Enter the RGBA values and then click on the button "ARGB → int" to generate the color code you will need.

  • R: Red
  • G: Green
  • B: Blue
  • A: Opacity from 0 (can't be seen) to 255 (very visible, opaque)

You can use this website to generate the RGBA color, however watch out this website generate the A value from 0 to 1 instead of 255 !


"Links": [
        "Name": "Homepage",
        "URL": "",
        "IconName": "Homepage",
        "IconColor": -14473430
        "Name": "Feedback",
        "URL": "",
        "IconName": "Forums",
        "IconColor": -14473430
        "Name": "Discord",
        "URL": "",
        "IconName": "Discord",
        "IconColor": -9270822
        "Name": "Patreon",
        "URL": "",
        "IconName": "Patreon",
        "IconColor": -432044
        "Name": "Steam",
        "URL": "",
        "IconName": "Steam",
        "IconColor": -14006434
        "Name": "Reddit",
        "URL": "",
        "IconName": "Reddit",
        "IconColor": -12386303
        "Name": "GitHub",
        "URL": "",
        "IconName": "GitHub",
        "IconColor": -16777216
        "Name": "YouTube",
        "URL": "",
        "IconName": "YouTube",
        "IconColor": -65536
        "Name": "Twitter",
        "URL": "",
        "IconName": "Twitter",
        "IconColor": -14835214