[Server Hosting] Preparation for next update Latest changes - CommanderBeelo/DayZ-Expansion-Scripts GitHub Wiki

This update is not out. This page is only for preparation !

Please think to update your server settings after each updates !

Update 1.5.1195

You can download the server setting files from this link :


You can see all the changes in the server settings with this link:


Mission files

The lastest mission files are now up to date with dayz 1.11.

  • ExpansionCOM (offline mode) object spawner (less crash), tp menu (based on the map you are playing on), vehicle spawner have been updated.
  • Chiemsee is now officialy supported by DayZ Expansion.
  • Wipe is recommended but not required.



Server Settings

Airdrops and Airdrops mission have been changed a lot to improve the user experience and add more options to server hosters for the configuration. We will try our best to help you on our discord if you have any questions or issues. In theory your old airdrop and mission config should still work.


"EnablePlayerList" was previously in your GeneralSettings.json (near the end of the file). This setting doesn't exist anymore in this file and have been moved to a seperate file.

Type Name Description
Bool EnablePlayerList Have been removed from this file and moved to PlayerListSettings.json instead

To see the complete documentation about this file please click on this link


"EnablePlayerList" was previously in your GeneralSettings.json (near the end of the file). This setting doesn't exist anymore in this file and have been moved to a seperate file.

Type Name Description
Bool EnablePlayerList Allow players to see a player list of the online players.
Bool EnableTooltip Allow players to see a Tooltip on every players showing their stats (distance travelled, zombies/players killed and all the other stats visible in the player book tab)

To see the complete documentation about this file please click on this link


Type Name Description
Bool HeightIsRelativeToGroundLevel The plane will try to keep the same altitude based on the terrain elevation
Float FollowTerrainFraction How accurate the plane will follow the terrain elevation. 0 = won't follow the terrain / 1 = will follow at a pixel perfect precision the terrain (looks wierd) / 0.5 = smooth
Float InfectedSpawnRadius How far the Infecteds will spawn from the airdrop (in meters)
Float InfectedSpawnInterval How long until the next Infected will spawn (in milliseconds). This will prevent the server to spawn all the zombies at once if not set to 0.
Int Usage (in Containers) 0 = both mission and player called, 1 = mission, 2 = player called
Float Weight (in Containers) 0 = won't be selected at all, and > 0, the higher the value the more likely.
Array Variants (in Loot) used for different skins of the same item (or similar items). Example
Int Max (in Loot) If set to 0, this item can spawn in the airdrop without any max limits. If you want for example only 5 BakedBeans, change this value to 5. (Still affected by the chance value so it's still possible to not reach this max)
Array Infected (in Containers) A list of Strings with the name of the Infecteds. Can be replaced with bears for example
Int ItemCount (in Containers) How many items will spawn in this container (airdrop)
Int InfectedCount (in Containers) How many infected will spawn at this airdrop
Bool SpawnInfectedForPlayerCalledDrops (in Containers) If enabled, player called airdrops will also spawn zombies on the airdrop.

To see the complete documentation about this file please click on this link