[Server Hosting] How to make the Stock Static - CommanderBeelo/DayZ-Expansion-Scripts GitHub Wiki

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In this guide, we will explain you what is needed to be changed to make a item stock static and how to make all your items stock static using the software Visual Studio Code. Please note, this is also possible with Notepad++, SublimeText and many other text editors, however we will show you only with Visual Studio Code in this Guide.

0) Where are my market items configured at ?

In your ServerProfile (SC or Instance)/ExpansionMod/Market folder. Each files are a category of items. For more information about what are this files for and what each lines mean. Please read the information provided at [Server Hosting] Adding a new Item to the market

1) How to make a item have a Static Stock ?

Make sure this two lines have the same number:

"MaxStockThreshold": 1,
"MinStockThreshold": 1,

2) How to make all the items have a Static Stock ?

With Visual Studio Code, open the Market folder (you can also drag and drop the folder on the editor). Then on the bar on the left, click on the Search Icon and copy paste this lines inside Search and Replace as shown in this picture.

Search and Replace


"MaxStockThreshold": (.*),
            "MinStockThreshold": (.*),


"MaxStockThreshold": 1,
            "MinStockThreshold": 1,

Also make sure to click on the Asterix as highlighted in the previous picture. Now click on "Replace All" and all your items from all your files should now be static !