[Server Hosting] ChatSettings - CommanderBeelo/DayZ-Expansion-Scripts GitHub Wiki

Contains the current setting version number, never change this value unless you really know what you are doing as it's used internally for automatic conversion of old settings whenever we change something.



  • 0 = The global chat (blue chat) will be disabled.
  • 1 = It will enable the global chat. The global chat allow players to talk to anyone from anywhere on the map.

"EnablePartyChat" (requires DayZ-Expansion-Groups or Bundle)


  • 0 = The party chat (green chat) will be disabled.
  • 1 = It will enable the party chat. The party chat allow players to talk to anyone in their group from anyone on the map.



  • 0 = The transport chat (yellow chat) will be disabled.
  • 1 = It will enable the transport chat. The transport chat allow players to talk to anyone inside the same vehicle than you.


Key-Value pairs for chat colors.


String. Chat color of the System side chat


String. Chat color of the System admin chat


String. Chat color of the System global chat


String. Chat color of the System direct (local) chat


String. Chat color of the System party chat


String. Chat color of the System Transmitter (PE announcer) chat

The format for all chat colors is hexadecimal RRGGBBAA, hexadecimal RGBA, or decimal R G B A with range 0-255 (alpha is optional in all cases).

You can use this site to generate the hex color values for these settings: https://color.adobe.com/de/create/color-wheel (if you want alpha transparency, you have to add it manually after the first six digits)