[Server Hosting] Adding a new Category to the market - CommanderBeelo/DayZ-Expansion-Scripts GitHub Wiki

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To add a new category you will need to create and configure one json file per categories. please note, a category shouldn't have items from another category.

Go to DayZServer\ServerProfile (or config)\ExpansionMod\Market and create a file named MyCategory_Name.json.

In this file add the following lines:

    "m_Version": 9,
    "DisplayName": "My Category Name Players Will See",
    "Icon": "Deliver",
    "Color": "FBFCFEFF",
    "InitStockPercent": 75.0,
    "Items": [
            "ClassName": "MyClassName",
            "MaxPriceThreshold": 30,
            "MinPriceThreshold": 15,
            "SellPricePercent": -1,
            "MaxStockThreshold": 250,
            "MinStockThreshold": 1,
            "QuantityPercent": -1,
            "SpawnAttachments": [
            "Variants": [


This is using hex color coding. You can use online hex color pickers to find quickly the desired color you want to use.



"Water 1"
"Water 2"
"Infected 1"
"Infected 2"
"Skull 1"
"Skull 2"
"Skull 3"
"Map Marker"
"Book 1"
"Book 2"
"Open Hand"
"Vehicle Crash"
"Animal Skull"
"Apple Core"
"Kitchen Knife Big"
"Broken Lighter"
"Can Of Beans Big"
"Can Of Beans Small"
"Car Keys"
"Chain Saw"
"Dinosaur Skull"
"Dry Wood"
"Eatable Flowers"
"Electrical Tape"
"Empty Can"
"Flare Gun"
"Flare Gun Ammo"
"Frying Pan"
"Gas Mask"
"Golf Club"
"Gun Bullets"
"Herbal Medicine"
"Home Made Grenade"
"Human Skull"
"Kitchen Knife"
"Paper Map"
"Medic Box"
"Pipe Wrench"
"Rock 1"
"Rock 2"
"Scrap Metal"
"Shotgun Bullets"
"Tent Small"
"Walkie Talkie"
"Water Jug"
"Wild Pork"