[Modding] Modders Support and Requests - CommanderBeelo/DayZ-Expansion-Scripts GitHub Wiki

Vehicle parts

A mod need to work better with Expansion (or the other way around) ?

Follow the instructions at Mod compatibilies

A mod is in conflict with Expansion (or the other way around) ?

Follow the instructions at Mod conflitcs

You would like your content to be officialy supported by Expansion (a map for example) ?

Follow the instructions at Submitting content to Expansion

Mod compabilities

If you are the author of the mod and you would like to make your mod compatible with a Expansion feature. Please open a issue or contact LieutenantMaster#9023 on discord (DM recommended) with the following informations:

  • Steam workshop link of your mod
  • Describe your issue
  • Steps to reproduce the issue if needed

If you are not the author of this mod but would like to submit a mod conflict, please open a issue or contact LieutenantMaster#9023 on discord (DM recommended) with the following informations:

  • Steam workshop link of the mod
  • Discord Link to the discord of the author if possible
  • Describe your issue
  • Steps to reproduce the issue if needed

Mod conflitcs

If you are the author of this mod in conflict in some way with expansion, please open a issue or contact LieutenantMaster#9023 on discord (DM recommended) with the following informations:

  • Steam workshop link of your mod
  • Describe your issue
  • Steps to reproduce the issue if needed

If you are not the author of this mod but would like to submit a mod conflict, please open a issue or contact LieutenantMaster#9023 on discord (DM recommended) with the following informations:

  • Steam workshop link of the mod
  • Discord Link to the discord of the author if possible
  • Describe your issue
  • Steps to reproduce the issue if needed

Submitting content to Expansion


If you are the author of this map, please open a issue or contact LieutenantMaster#9023 on discord (DM recommended) with the following informations:

  • Steam workshop link of your map
  • Is your map already public for everyone to download ?
  • Describe your map and your vision of what you want to do with this map (doesn't need to be a book, we just want to be on the same page)
  • Explanation of how the loot distribution work with your map (for example, what "tier 4" will become for your map)

Please note:

  • We are providing a template to import to any maps
  • A map supported officialy can benefit of the following:
    • Configured Expansion mission.
    • Configured Spawn Selection (based on the author vision)
    • Configured Missions (airdrops)
    • Configured Spawn Gear/Outfits (if needed)
    • Configured Market, Safezone
    • Custom Loading Screen
    • Support for any futur map based content (hordes, custom mapping)

Maps we are officialy supporting


If you are the author of this content, please open a issue or contact LieutenantMaster#9023 on discord (DM recommended) and let us know why your content should be in Expansion and not inside your own mod ? If you know how to make a mod, we believe you have already the skills to go far with your dreams. So keep dreaming ! 😃