How Does A Package Tuning Connect To Python - ColonolNutty/Sims4CommunityLibrary GitHub Wiki

To find how a Tuning from a Package file connects to a class in Python, you first need to locate the backing class for that Tuning To do this look at the Tuning using Sims 4 Studio and locate the c="" portion at the top of the XML. This value is the name of the class you need to find within Python.

If you have trouble locating the correct classes, in the cases where two classes have the same name, look for the Module Path m="" portion at the top of the XML. This value will tell you the file path to the correct class. For example, a Buff Tuning will have a c="" value of Buff and an m="" value of buffs.buff, this means that the Buff class is located at the folder EA/simulation/buffs/ and inside that file it has the class name class Buff

Once you have found the correct Tuning Class within Python, the next thing you will want to locate are the tunable values of it.

You want to look for the INSTANCE_TUNABLES or FACTORY_TUNABLSE class properties. These properties tell you the names of the Tunables (n="") and the type of values those Tunables should be.

You can make it look nicer by formatting it a bit. An easy way to do this is by using the Find And Replace In File feature of PyCharm:

  1. Open the Find And Replace In File box (For me it is CTRL+R, CTRL+F, but I don't think that is the default for it)
  2. On the right side, make the Match Case and Regex boxes checked and the Words box unchecked.
  3. Put into the top box \), ' and into the bottom box \),\n'.
  4. Hit the Replace All button