Clone Vanilla Xml - ColonolNutty/Sims4CommunityLibrary GitHub Wiki

Add the original tunings to your package

  1. Open Sims 4 Studio.
  2. Open Tools -> Extract Tuning...
  3. Type the name or part of the name of the tuning you want to clone into the top box.
  4. Find the tuning to clone in the center window.
  5. Click Add to current package at the bottom.

How to clone a vanilla or custom xml tuning In Sims 4 Studio:

  1. Open Tools -> Hash Generator
  2. Enter the name of your new tuning in the Text box. If I am cloning from an existing xml, usually go with <my_mod_identifier>_<the_cloned_from_tuning_name> (Do not enter any spaces!)
  3. Copy the FNV64 Hexadecimal value 3.1. Keep the Hash Generator window OPEN, we will need it later!
  4. Right click the xml that I am cloning -> Duplicate
  5. Close the duplicate/create window (We only did this so the dropdown has the right type)
  6. Right click the xml that I am cloning -> Add
  7. Paste the Hexadecimal FNV64 value I copied in step 3. into the identifier box
  8. Copy the xml from the xml that I cloned from and paste it into the newly created tuning.
  9. Go back to the Hash Generator window, copy what you entered in the Text field
  10. In the xml at the top of it is this n="<the_cloned_from_tuning_name>", paste your copied text and replace it, so it is like n="<my_mod_identifier>_<the_cloned_from_tuning_name>"
  11. Go back to the Has Generator window, switch the Mode to Decimal
  12. Copy the FNV64 value, we will call this copied value <my_xml_decimal_identifier>
  13. In the xml at the top of it is this s="<the_cloned_from_tuning_id>", paste the copied value into there, so it is like s="<my_xml_decimal_identifier>" instead.
  14. That is all you do to clone an xml in Sims 4 Studio.

Notes: Stay away from the Right click -> Duplicate operation at all costs! Sims 4 Studio does some terrible TERRIBLE things, seemingly randomly that causes stupid breakages that you will never be able to track down.