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Exploratory testing is an approach to software testing that is concisely described as simultaneous learning, test design and test execution. Cognizant Intelligent Test Scripter comes with an interface which has the options to Create/Record test cases, taking screen-shots and reporting the bugs to tools like JIRA/QCALM/ REDMINE etc.
Follow the steps below for performing exploratory testing.
Switch on the exploratory testing feature from the Cognizant Intelligent Test Scripter.
Perform the basic flow and take or crop the screen-shots wherever needed.
If needed the test steps can be recorded as well by switching on the record mode. Steps will be automatically added to the test steps sau
Recorded test steps can be saved as a test case and can be exported as a manual test case.
Using the report bug option , different details can be provided along with the attachments to the defect management tool.
For the details refer to the below screen-shot :

Following are the Settings:
Editor: Default editor for editing image
Argument: Editor supported arguments
Module: Modules for Reporting bugs(Currently integrated with JIRA)
URL: URL of the defect management tool
Username & Password: Username and password for the defect management tool
Project: Provide the project KEY as per your JIRA profile

- To customize the fields given above use the Configure Fields option.

This can be done by adding a new property to the Object property table under the Object repository in the design panel, the same can be done through options window as well, refer [Here](troubleshooting.html#adding-a-custom-attribute-toidentify- a-dynamic-object) for the process,
Refer to the AngularJS_Test test case in the Demo project present in the Projects folder (available in the installation location) for more information.
All the supported angular js properties are defined in the AngularFindBy class under the package, com.cognizant.cognizantits.engine.drivers.findObjectBy. Additional properties can be dened in this class, the same way as the other properties.
Standalone report, let's you to move the report folder to any location and still open your html report files, since the media folder is packed along with it.
Follow the steps below, to get a standalone report for your execution,
You can use the -standalone_report argument when the execution is done via command line
In order to enable this option from the App's UI, follow the steps below,
Navigate to Configuration->Options
Check the option Create Standalone Report, as shown in the image below,

Once this option is enabled, you will get a standalone report in the Latest folder and also in your Timestamp report folder, in the location \Results\TestDesign or TestExecution\Test scenario name orRelease name\TestCase or TestSet\Latest or Timestamp report folder
Note: When standalone report option is selected, both these folders (Latest folder and last executed time stamp) contain the same standalone report files. Hence either of them can be used.
If there are any changes in the object properties, reusable components or test data sheet, Cognizant Intelligent Test Scripter helps you generate a list of impacted test cases. User can quickly validate the change by running the impacted test cases.
Object Level
- In the Object Repository, right-click the modied object and select the option Get Impacted TestCases.

- In the Impacted TestCases dialog box, the list of impacted test cases will be shown. Select the required test cases and click Create as TestSet.

- In the Execution panel, user can view the newly created test set under the release name. The test set will contain the selected test cases and reusables that have been impacted.

- User can select the test cases and click the run button.
Flow Level
- In the Reusable Components section, right-click the modified reusable and select the option ‘Get Impacted TestCases’.

- User can create a new Test Set containing the impacted Test cases and run from the Execution Panel.
Test Data Level
- In the Test Data section, right-click the modied data sheet and select the option ‘Get Impacted TestCases’.

- User can follow the above steps for Test Data also.
Go to Test Execution Panel.
Pull your test cases in to the workspace of the execution panel.
Select various Browsers required.

- Go to Configuration->Run Settings->Parallel Execution. Change the number of threads as per requirement using the up/down arrows.

Click on Save
Run Test Set
As we all know, Selenium has various limitations with IE. One of such limitations is that it struggles with multiple IEDriver instances. So, in Cognizant IntelligentTest Scripter, we have decided to restrict IE to just single thread in Parallel execution. For better understanding, refer the following example:
If user have six test cases in test suite, and distributed them equally between Chrome, Firefox and IE (two each).
In Run Conguration, you have given the thread count as 6.
Now, two threads will execute test cases for Chrome (2 ChromeDriver instances) and two threads will execute Test Cases for Firefox (2 Firefox instances) but for IE the execution will occur in a sequential manner even if we have two unassigned threads.
To read more about the issue please click here.
Grid execution facilitates execution of test cases into multiple systems (Nodes) using a single system(Hub).
Note: You need to download Selenium Standalone Server
Navigate to Configuration->Run Settings. Click the Grid radio button in the Run Settings tab and provide the Remote Grid URL.
For running test case in Grid Mode, navigate to Configuration->Start Server in the menu bar. Choose the port number, give the location of the selenium_standalone.jar and click on Start Server.

- Go to the remote machine once the Hub machine is ready (Please Note : Both machines should be in the same sub net mask)
###Configurations Made In The Client Machine
Navigate to GridNode folder available in the installation location and copy the following JAR files to GridNode/lib (These files can be found in lib folder present in the installation location).
gecko driver
Place all the above jar files in GridNode\lib
Nodes need to be configured with the Hub IP address and port number.Launch the GridNode UI by double clicking cognizant-intelligent-test-scripter-gridnode-*.jar which is inside the GridNode folder.

Note: If a mac machine is used as a Hub, then click on the start server from the UIand launch the StartGrid.command, that gets created in the installation location,once you click on start server from the UI. Double-click this le to run the same. If you are not able to execute this file, you can change the permission of the file using the command below, sudo chmod -R 777 StartGrid.command This the method to launch the Selenium Hub for in mac for grid execution.
After setting the congurations in the hub and client systems, you can run your test cases as test set from the execution panel, as shown in the image below,

This Document will help you to integrate Cognizant Intelligent Test Scripter with BrowserStack or Saucelabs
To execute your test Case in Saucelabs or Browserstacks please follow the following Steps
In test Execution panel create a testset.
In Browser eld, select the browser of your choice.
Select the required Platform and BrowserVersion.

In the Cognizant Intelligent Test Scripter menu bar, click Configuration andselect Run Settings from the list of options. The Run Settings window is displayed.
In the Run Settings window, click the Run Settings tab.
In run settings choose Execution Mode as Grid
In the Remote Grid Url eld, type the url that is provided by your service provider.

To save the settings made, click the Save button.
After saving the settings, execute the testset.
Note: Ensure that you are able to access the Saucelabs or BrowserStack URL in your network. And if there is any proxy used, the details of the same can be given here, navigate to Configuration->Browser configurations->General tab and click on the refresh button next to '+' button.

As part of Cognizant Fastest Customization, user has to enter following list of capabilities in CITS 1.1/1.2.
Please refer here for detailed steps.
From CITS 1.4 onwards, we had reduced the list of browser capabilities. Therefore, retain the following capabilities from Driver Settings dialog. Refer the below screenshot.

How To Modify The Cognizant Intelligent Test Scripter Engine To Change The Default Location Of The Results Folder?
When a test case or a test set is executed, the results will be generated and stored in the /Results/TestDesign or TestExecution/Scenario or Release/Testcase or Testset
This location can be changed to a user dened one by following the steps below,
Open Cognizant Intelligent Test Scripter Engine Java project
Navigate to the file available under the com.cognizant.cognizantits.engine.constants package.
public static String getResultsPath() {
return RunManager.getGlobalSettings().getProjectPath() +
File.separator + RESULTS_FOLDER;
- In the above function, the required results path can be hard coded after the return keyword
After setting the per-requisites right, if you face the following exception in the log as shown in the picture below,

Try re installing libimobiledevice with HEAD, as explained in the link here.
In order to trigger mail automatically, post execution of your test cases, you can do the following steps,
Navigate to Configuration->Run Settings-> and switch to Mail Settings tab
Provide the necessary details as shown in the image below for a sample case,

- Navigate to Configuration->Run Settings-> and check the Send Mail after Execution checkbox.

- After saving the above options for test design or execution panel (test set), whenever you execute your test case, a mail trigger process to the specied To address will be initiated
Tip To send mail to multiple address,list the mails with ; separated in to.mail eld.;[email protected];[email protected]
- SMTP server is used to trigger the mail to the recipients. Please ensure that you are able to access the same in your system by the following command from command line,
telnet <SMTP host name> <port number>
Mail.smtp.starttls.enable – True. By making true, the communication with SMTP server login and trac is encrypted
Mail.smtp.starttls.required – True. By making true, the SMTP server should have TLS congured. If server do not have TLS conguration, the connection fails.
In order to run your test cases in Edge browser, follow the steps below,
Navigate to /lib/Drivers
Download the driver from here, and place the .exe in the above location
Restart Cognizant Intelligent Test Scripter and right click on the Run button to choose Edge browser and execute your scripts
Some Webdriver actions are still in the implementation phase in Edge driver and hence those commands can't be executed with Cognizant Intelligent Test Scripter as well
Note: For more information on the webdriver commands that are not supported in Edge driver, refer here
Please follow the steps below in order to execute your scripts in PhantomJs,
Download the latest phantomjs driver from here
Map the <PHANTOMJS_Installation_Folder_location>/bin path to PATH environment variable under System Variables
Right click the Run button in the Cognizant Intelligent Test Scripter UI and choose the browser PhantomJS to execute the scripts in same
For displaying the status of all the actions as either PASS or FAIL instead of DONE or DEBUG respectively, follow the steps below:
In the Cognizant Intelligent Test Scripter Engine, navigate to the file present under the com.cognizant.cognizantits.engine.reporting package.
Go to the following method:
public void updateTestLog(String stepName, String stepDescription,
Status state, String optionalLink, List<String> optional)
and add the following code snippet (before the line "currentStatus=state;"):
state= state.equals(Status.DONE) || state.equals(Status.PASS)?
Status.PASS: Status.FAIL;
- Export the Engine and restart the tool. Now, after the test case is executed the status of all the actions in the test case will be either PASS or FAIL
You can add tags to the test cases in order to classify them based on their type. Once the tags have been added, you can use them in the execution Panel to filter the Test Cases.
To add a tag, select the Test Case and click the Edit Tag button. The Edit Tag window will open.
In the Edit tag window, enter the tag name and click the '+' button. The tag will now be added. If the tag is already present, select the tag. You can also assign more than one Tag to a test case.

If needed, repeat the above procedure for the other test cases.
Now, if you select a test case and click the Edit Tag button again, the tags that have been assigned to the test case will be shown.

- In the execution panel, click the Filter Test Cases by Tag button and select the tags. Now, only the Test cases that have been assigned to the selected tags will be shown.

- You can now group the Test Cases into Test Sets and run them.

- Go to TestData->Import TestData.

- In the window, select the CSV le that you wish to import and click Open.

- The Test Data sheet can now be accessed from the UI.

Note: The Test Data Sheet to be imported must be in CSV format and must follow the same syntax as highlighted in the above image(refer the existing data sheets available in the installation directory under Projects/TestData).
Navigate to the Execution panel and go to Configuration>Run Settings and check the option for Excel Reporting
After saving the settings for the test set, execute the test set.The excel summary report for the execution will be saved in the Latest folder of the corresponding projects Results folder
Note: The SummaryExcelReport excel le will open automatically if the environment supports Excel editor.
Note: Excel reporting needs to be enabled from execution panel.