Actions - CognizantOpenSource/Cognizant-Intelligent-Test-Scripter GitHub Wiki

Web Actions


  • Set

Description: This function is used to enter data in an object.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%

Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded (in this case the data is preceded by a "@"), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%), as given in the above example.

  • Click

Description: This function is used to perform click operation on an object.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • rightClick

Description: This function is used to perform right click operation on an object or in the browser.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • SubmitIfExists

Description: This function will check if an object exists. If the object exists, it will submit else it will ignore that step.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • RestartBrowser

Description: This function is used to restart browser.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • changeWaitTime

Description: This function is used to change the default wait time(Default 10 sec). .The default wait time for all the wait actions defined after changeWaitTime action will be the same as defined in the changeWaitTime action.

Input Format : @Time in seconds


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • setElementTimeOut

Description: This function is used to change the default timeout for Cognizant Intelligent Test Scripter's Object finding logic.(Default 10 second). The same action needs to be called with the default time (10 sec) as parameter when there is a need to switch to the default time for the succeeding steps.

Input Format : @Time in seconds


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • setBrowserSize

Description: This function will Set the browser size

Input Format : In pixels for example @700x800 or @700,800 or @700 800


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • clickIfExists

Description: This function will check if an element exists. If the element exists, it will click the element, else it will ignore that step.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • SetIfExists

Description: This function will check if an element exists. If the element exists, data will be set for that element or that step will be ignored.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • setAndCheck

Description: This function is used to enter data in object and check if the element's value matches with the entered value.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • setEncrypted

Description: This function is used to enter encrypted data to the object specified

Input Format : @Encrypted text


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column

Note: If the data is passed from a data sheet, the data in the datasheet should be encrypted

  • filler

Description: This is an empty action (does nothing), useful in some cases like looping/debugging.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • StartBrowser

Description: This function is used to start a specified browser.

Input Format : @Browser's Name


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • StopBrowser

Description: This function is used to stop the current browser


ObjectName Input Condition
  • AddVar

Description: This function is used to add a user-defined variable with a desired value and the scope of this variable is till the end of the test case in which it is defined

Input Format : @Expected Text

Condition : %variable name%


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value %Variable%
Browser Sheet:Column %Variable%
Browser %dynamicVar% %Variable%
  • AddGlobalVar

Description: Same as AddVar but scope is till the end of the test set execution.

Input Format : Text in Input

Condition : %variable name%


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value %Variable%
Browser Sheet:Column %Variable%
Browser %dynamicVar% %Variable%
  • clear

Description: This function is used to clear the object's text


ObjectName Input Condition
  • moveTo

Description: Move the browser view to the specified element.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • Open

Description: This function will open the URL provided by the user in the default browser

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • highlight

Description: Make a rectangular border around the element

Input Format : Color in hexcode like @#ff44ff. If it is left empty red will be taken as default.


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%

Verify Element

  • verifyElementNotPresent

Description: This function will check if the specified element is not present in the web page ie. In the DOM .


ObjectName Input Condition
  • verifyElementNotSelected

Description: This function will check if the specified element is not selected.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • verifyElementNotDisplayed

Description: This function will verify if the element is not displayed.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • verifyElementNotEnabled

Description: This function will check if the specified element is not enabled


ObjectName Input Condition
  • verifyElementDisplayed

Description: This function will check if the object is displayed on web page.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • verifyHSrollBarPresent

Description: This function will check if the horizontal scrollbar is present.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • verifyHSrollBarNotPresent

Description: This function will check if the horizontal scrollbar is not present.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • verifyVSrollBarPresent

Description: This function will check if the vertical scrollbar is present.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • verifyVSrollBarNotPresent

Description: This function will check if the vertical scrollbar is not present.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • verifyElementPresent

Description: This function will check if the specified element is present in the web page ie) in the DOM.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • verifyElementSelected

Description: This function will check if the element is selected.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • verifyElementEnabled

Description: This function will check if the element is enabled.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • verifyPageSource

Description: This function will check if the page source content of the current page is matching with the expected page source content provided by the user.

Input Format : @Expected PageSource Content


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%

Browser Utility

  • maximize

Description:This function is used for maximizing the browser window.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • authenticate

Description:This function is used for handing the authentication window. Supports IE only. If executed for other browsers the script will fail. You can skip this by setting optional value in the Condition field.

Input Format : @username##password

Condition : optional


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @data
Browser @data optional

By Label

  • setInputByLabel

Description: This function will set an input element, with the given data, that is adjacent to the provided label element.


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • clickInputByLabel

Description: This function will click an input element that is adjacent to the provided label element.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • clickInputByText

Description: This function will click an input element that is adjacent to the provided text

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • submitInputByLabel

Description: This function will submit input element adjacent to the provided label element.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • assertElementTextContainsByLabel

Description: This function will check if the text of the input element adjacent to provided label element contains the given text(in the Input Column)

Input Format : @Expected Text.


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • assertElementTextByLabel

Description: This function will check if the text of the input element adjacent to provided label element equals the given text(in the Input Column)


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%


  • verifyVariableFromDataSheet

Description: This function will validate the value of a given variable against data in a datasheet cell.

Input Format : Datasheet:column

Condition: %variable%


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser sheet:column %variable%
  • verifyCookiePresent

Description: This function will check if the cookie is present. Search will occur based on the cookie name.

Input Format:@Cookie name.


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • verifyCookieByName

Description: This function will search for the cookie by name and then compare the cookie value with the user-provided value.

Input Format : @Cookie name:Cookie value.


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • verifyAlertText

Description: This function will match the alert text with the expected value.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • verifyAlertPresent

Description:This function will verify the presence of an alert.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • verifyVariable

Description: This function will check if the stored variable value matches the expected value.

Input Format : @VariableName=Value


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
  • verifyTextPresentInPage

Description: This function will search for the text inside html tag of the page.

Input Format:@Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%

Wait for

  • waitForElementToBeVisible

Description: This function will wait till the element is visible on the screen

Condition :Time in seconds [Optional]. If left empty default waitTime[10 sec] will be considered. If you want to increase the default wait time then you can use "ChangeWaitTime" function with the desired wait time


ObjectName Input Condition
Object Time in seconds
  • waitForElementToBeInVisible

Description: This function will wait till the element becomes invisible.

Condition :Time in seconds [Optional]. If left empty default waitTime[10 sec] will be considered. If you want to increase the default wait time then you can use "ChangeWaitTime" function with the desired wait time


ObjectName Input Condition
Object Time in seconds
  • waitForElementToBeClickable

Description: This function will wait till the element becomes clickable.

Condition :Time in seconds [Optional]. If left empty default waitTime[10 sec] will be considered. If you want to increase the default wait time then you can use "ChangeWaitTime" function with the desired wait time


ObjectName Input Condition
Object Time in seconds
  • waitForElementToBeSelected

Description: This function will wait till the element is selected

Condition :Time in seconds [Optional]. If left empty default waitTime[10 sec] will be considered. If you want to increase the default wait time then you can use "ChangeWaitTime" function with the desired wait time


ObjectName Input Condition
Object Time in seconds
  • waitForElementToContainText

Description: This function will wait till the element contains the given text

Input Format : @Text to check.

Condition :Time in seconds [Optional]. If left empty default waitTime[10 sec] will be considered. If you want to increase the default wait time then you can use "ChangeWaitTime" function with the desired wait time


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value Time in seconds
Object Sheet:Column Time in seconds
Object %dynamicVar% Time in seconds
  • waitForElementToContainValue

Description: This function will wait till the element contains the given value

Input Format : @Text to check.

Condition :Time in seconds [Optional]. If left empty default waitTime[10 sec] will be considered. If you want to increase the default wait time then you can use "ChangeWaitTime" function with the desired wait time


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value Time in seconds
Object Sheet:Column Time in seconds
Object %dynamicVar% Time in seconds
  • waitForElementToBePresent

Description: This function will wait till the element loads in the DOM.

Condition :Time in seconds [Optional]. If left empty default waitTime[10 sec] will be considered. If you want to increase the default wait time then you can use "ChangeWaitTime" function with the desired wait time


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser Time in seconds
  • waitForFrameAndSwitch

Description: This function will wait for the frame to be available and switch to it.

Input: @id or name or index

The input is optional if you choose to give the web element (the frame itself) under the object name.This element can be added as an object under the Object repository.

If the object name used is "Browser", then you need to give the frame id or name or index under the input column

Condition : Time in seconds [Optional]. If left empty default waitTime[10 sec] will be considered. If you want to increase the default wait time then you can use "ChangeWaitTime" function with the desired wait time


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser frame id or name or index Time in seconds (optional)
Frame itself as an element Time in seconds (optional)
  • waitForPageLoaded

Description: This function will wait till the page is loaded. Note: This is not for Ajax calls

Condition :Time in seconds [Optional]. If left empty default waitTime[10 sec] will be considered. If you want to increase the default wait time then you can use "ChangeWaitTime" function with the desired wait time


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser Time in seconds
  • waitForAlertPresent

Description: This function will wait for alert to appear on the page.

Condition :Time in seconds [Optional]. If left empty default waitTime[10 sec] will be considered. If you want to increase the default wait time then you can use "ChangeWaitTime" function with the desired wait time


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser Time in seconds
  • waitForTitleToBe

Description: This function will wait till the title of the page matches with the given text.

Input Format : @Text to check

Condition :Time in seconds [Optional]. If left empty default waitTime[10 sec] will be considered. If you want to increase the default wait time then you can use "ChangeWaitTime" function with the desired wait time


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value Time in seconds
Browser Sheet:Column Time in seconds
Browser %dynamicVar% Time in seconds
  • waitForTitleToContain

Description: This function will wait till the title of the page has the given text.

Input Format : @Text to check

Condition :Time in seconds [Optional]. If left empty default waitTime[10 sec] will be considered. If you want to increase the default wait time then you can use "ChangeWaitTime" function with the desired wait time


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value Time in seconds
Browser Sheet:Column Time in seconds
Browser %dynamicVar% Time in seconds
  • waitTillCustomScript

Description: This function will wait till the given javascript condition returns true. It is applicable only for JavaScript functions that return a boolean value.

Input Format : @Javascript to evaluate

Condition :Time in seconds [Optional]. If left empty default waitTime[10 sec] will be considered. If you want to increase the default wait time then you can use "ChangeWaitTime" function with the desired wait time


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value Time in seconds
Browser Sheet:Column Time in seconds
Browser %dynamicVar% Time in seconds
  • clickAndWait

Description: This function is used for clicking and waiting for the page to be loaded.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • waitForElementSelectionToBeTrue

Description: This function will wait till the element selection becomes true

Condition :Time in seconds [Optional]. If left empty default waitTime[10 sec] will be considered. If you want to increase the default wait time then you can use "ChangeWaitTime" function with the desired wait time


ObjectName Input Condition
Object Time in seconds
  • waitForElementSelectionToBeFalse

Description: This function will wait till the element selection becomes false.

Condition :Time in seconds [Optional]. If left empty default waitTime[10 sec] will be considered. If you want to increase the default wait time then you can use ChangeWaitTime function with the desired wait time


ObjectName Input Condition
Object Time in seconds

Switch to

To switch to a new frame, you can either go for these actions or you can set the frame id or name under the frame property of your object in the UI of the tool.

  • switchToFrameByIndex

Description: This function is used for switching control to a frame by given index.

Input Format : @Frame's Index


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • switchToWindowByTitle

Description: This function is used for switching control to a window by given title.

Input Format : @Window's Title


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • switchToWindowByIndex

Description: This function is used for switching control to a window by given index.

Input Format : @Window's Index


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • switchToFrame

Description: This function is used for switching control to frame with id or name specified.

Input Format : @Frame Name or Id


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • switchToWindowByTitleStartsWith

Description: This function is used for switching control to another window whose title begins with the provided data.

Input Format : @Expected text


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • switchToWindowByTitleContains

Description: This function is used for switching control to another window whose title has the provided data.

Input Format : @Expected text


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • switchToWindowByTitleEndsWith

Description: This function is used for switching control to another window whose title ends with the provided data

Input Format : @Expected text


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • switchToWindowByTitleMatches

Description: This function is used for switching control to another window whose title matches with the provided data (can use regex also).

Input Format : @Expected text


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • switchToDefaultContent

Description: This function is used for switching control to the default window.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • createAndSwitchToWindow

Description: This function is used to create a new window and then for switching control to the newly created window.

Input Format : @url to open after creating a new window. If this input column is empty then empty url will be loaded


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • closeAndSwitchToWindow

Description: This function will close the current window and switch back to the default window.


ObjectName Input Condition

Drop down

  • selectByIndex

Description: This function will select an option from a drop down whose index matches the given index.

Input Format : @Expected Value's Index


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • deSelectAll

Description: This function will clear all the selected entries. This is only valid when there is support for multiple selections in the drop down.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • selectByVisibleText

Description: This function will select an option from a drop down whose visible text matches the given text.

Input Format : @Expected Value's Index


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • selectMultipleByText

Description: This function will select all options that display the text matching the given text.

Input Format : @Expected Text1,Expected Text2


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • selectMultipleByValue

Description: This function will select all options that have value matching the given value.

Input Format : @Expected value1,Expected value2


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • selectByValue

Description: This function will select an option from a drop down whose value ('value' attribute of option HTML tag) matches the given value.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • selectMultipleByIndex

Description: This function will select all multiple options that have index matching the given set of indices.

Input Format : @Expected index1,Expected index2


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • deSelectByVisibleText

Description: This function will de-select an option that displays text matching the given text.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • deSelectByValue

Description: This function will de-select an option that has value matching the given value.

Input Format : @Expected value


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • deSelectByIndex

Description: This function will de-select an option that has index matching the given index.

Input Format : @Expected index


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • assertSelectContains

Description: This function will assert if the selected element from the drop down matches the user-specified input.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • selectValueFromUnorderedList

Description: This function will select the value based on the visible text from an unordered list.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • selectIndexFromUnorderedList

Description: This function will select the value from an unordered list based on the index.

Input Format : @Expected Value's index


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • deSelectMultipleByText

Description: This function will deselect all options that display text matching the given text.

Input Format : @Expected Text1,Expected Text2


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • deSelectMultipleByValue

Description: This function will de-select all options that has value matching the given values.

Input Format : @Expected value1,Expected value2


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • deSelectMultipleByIndex

Description: This function will de-select all options that has index matching the given indices. This is done by examining the "index" attribute of an element, and not merely by counting.If there is no index attribute used then option identified by the count

Input Format : @Expected index1,Expected index2


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • selectAll

Description: This function will select all options from a select element.


ObjectName Input Condition


  • getCellValue

Description: This function is used to get data from the desired cell of the web table and store it in a user-defined variable.

Input Format : @RowNo;ColNo,%variableName%


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
  • getColCount

Description: This function is used to count the number of columns in a desired row in a web table and store it in a user-defined variable.

Input Format : @RowNo,%variableName%


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
  • getRowNumber

Description: This function is used to get the number of the row of the desired data in a web table and store it in a user-defined variable.

Input Format : @Expected Data,%variableName%


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
  • getColNumber

Description: This function is used to get the column number of the desired data in a web table and store it in a user-defined variable.

Input Format : @Expected Data,%variableName%


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
  • getRowCount

Description: This function is used to count the number of rows in a web table and store it in a user-defined variable.

Input Format : %variableName%


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%

Relative Command

  • set_Relative

Description: This function will set data in an element based on the property of its parent (Useful when a page has objects with similar properties but their parents are unique).


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • click_Relative

Description: This function will click an element based on the property of its parent (Useful when a page has objects with similar properties but their parents are unique)


ObjectName Input Condition

Dynamic Object

  • setglobalObjectProperty

Description: This function is used to customize all objects’ property based on the requirement at runtime.User can give his desired value as an input which will replace the matching condition in the object's property. **For more details, please refer to Help>Faq>Dynamic Object Handling>How to change Object property at runtime? **

Input Format :Input Column : @User Defined Text String

Condition Column : #Variable name


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value %var%
Browser Sheet:Column %var%
Browser %dynamicVar% %var%
  • setObjectProperty

Description: This function is used to customize any object property based on the requirement during the runtime. User can give a desired value as an input which will replace the matching condition in the object property. For more details, refer to: Help>Faq>Dynamic Object Handling>How to change Object property at runtime?

Input Format : @User Defined Text String

Condition Column : #Variable name


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value %var%
Object Sheet:Column %var%
Object %dynamicVar% %var%


  • uncheck

Description: This function will uncheck the specified check box.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • checkAllCheckBoxes

Description: This function will check all the checkboxes on a page.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • check

Description: This function will check the specified checkbox element.


ObjectName Input Condition

JS Commands

  • clickByJS

Description: This function will use JavaScript to click an object (useful when selenium functions do not work).


ObjectName Input Condition
  • setByJS

Description: This function will use JavaScript to set data in an object (useful when selenium functions do not work).

Input Format : @Expected data


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • setEncryptedByJS

Description: This function will use JavaScript to set encrypted data in an object (useful when selenium functions do not work).

Input Format : @Expected encrypted data


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • clearByJS

Description: This function will use JavaScript to clear an objects text content (useful when selenium functions do not work).


ObjectName Input Condition
  • selectByJS

Description: This function is used to select a given option from a drop down and is useful when selenium functions do not work.


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • assertInsideBounds

Description: To function is used to check if the given object is inside the boundary.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • executeEval

Description: This function is used to execute the JavaScript commands

Input Format : @java script scripts


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%


  • assertElementNotPresent

Description: This function will check if the specified element is not present in the web page ie. In the DOM itself.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • assertElementNotSelected

Description: This function will check if the specified element is not selected


ObjectName Input Condition
  • assertElementNotDisplayed

Description: This function will check if the specified element is not displayed.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • assertElementNotEnabled

Description: This function will check if the specified element is not enabled.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • assertElementDisplayed

Description: This function will check if the object is displayed on web page.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • assertHScrollBarPresent

Description: This function will check if horizontal scrollbar is present.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • assertHScrollBarNotPresent

Description: This function will check if horizontal scrollbar is not present.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • assertVScrollBarPresent

Description: This function will check if vertical scrollbar is present.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • assertVScrollBarNotPresent

Description: This function will check if vertical scrollbar is not present.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • assertElementPresent

Description: This function will check if specified element is present in the web page ie. In the DOM of the page


ObjectName Input Condition
  • assertElementSelected

Description: This function will check if the element is selected.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • assertElementEnabled

Description: This function will check if the element is enabled.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • assertPageSource

Description: This function will check if the page source content of the current page is matching with the expected page source content provided by the user.

Input Format : @Expected PageSource content


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%

Common methods

  • refreshDriver

Description: This function will refresh the current web page.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • forward

Description: This function is used for navigating forward to next page.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • submit

Description: This function will Submit an element.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • dragElement

Description: This function will drag the specified element(under Object column) which can be later dropped on to other element by using dropElement.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • dropElement

Description: This function will drop the element which is dragged by using dragElement over the object specified here.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • dragAndDropBy

Description: This function will drag and drop an object by specified coordinates in the input column.

Input Format :@x-coordinate,y-coordinate


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • addCookie

Description: This function will add a cookie defined in the input column.

Input Format : @Cookie Name:Cookie Value


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • back

Description: This function is used for navigating to the previous page.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • pause

Description:This function is used for giving a pause (Thread.sleep) in execution.

Input Format : @Time in miliseconds


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • doubleClickElement

Description: This function will double-click on an object.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • mouseOverElement

Description: This function will perform the mouse over action on the object.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • dragToAndDropElement

Description: This function is used to perform drag and drop operation. Specify the object which you want to drag, in the 'Object' column and specify the object on which you want to drop ,in the 'input' column.

Input Format : @PageName:ObjectName(Destination)


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
  • releaseElement

Description: This function is used to release the element held by clickAndHoldElement


ObjectName Input Condition
  • saveScreenshot

Description: This function will capture the screenshot and save in the specific location.

Input Format : @File destination (eg. @D:\filename.png)


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
  • takeScreenshot

Description: This function will take a screenshot


ObjectName Input Condition
  • saveElementScreenshot

Description: This function will take a screenshot of the web element and save it in the location specified under the Input column. If no location is specified then the default location is your project folder\ObjectRepository\Pagename\objectname.

This function can also be used to save screenshots for the entire set of page objects, under the default location which is inside the ObjectRepository folder.

Input Format (Optional) : @File destination (eg. @D:\foldername)


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @File destination(optional)
Browser @PageName from the object repository
  • storeCurrentUrl

Description: This function will store the current URL into a user defined variable.

Input Format : %variable name%


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • storeTextinDataSheet

Description: This Function will store the element's text into respective column of a given datasheet.

Input Format : @Expected datasheet name:column name


ObjectName Input Condition
Object Sheet:Column

Note: Ensure that your data sheet doesn't contain column names with spaces.

  • storeTextPresent

Description: This function will check if the element has expected text and store the flag 'True' or 'False' in the variable.

Input Format : @Expected text

Condition : %variable name%


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value %var%
Object Sheet:Column %var%
Object %dynamicVar% %var%
  • storePageSource

Description: This function will store the page source content into a user-defined variable.

Input Format : %variable name%


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser %variable name%
  • storeElementSelected

Description: This function will check if the element is selected and store the flag 'True' or 'False' in the variable.

Input Format : %variable name%


ObjectName Input Condition
Object %variable name%
  • storeElementAttribute

Description: This function will store the element's attribute value into a user-defined variable.

Input Format : @Elements_Attribute_Name

Condition : %variable name%


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value %var%
Object Sheet:Column %var%
Object %dynamicVar% %var%
  • storeElementValue

Description: This function will store the element's ‘value‘ attribute into a user-defined variable.

Input Format : %variable name%


ObjectName Input Condition
Object %variable name%
  • storeCookiePresent

Description: This function will check if the given cookie is present and store the flag 'True' or 'False' in the variable.

Input Format : @cookieName

Condition: %variable%


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • storeCookieByName

Description: This function will store the given cookie's value in the variable.

Input Format : @cookieName

Condition: %variable%


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value %variable%
  • storeAlertText

Description: This function will store alert text into a user defined variable.

Input Format: %variable%


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • storeAlertPresent

Description: This function will check if alert is present and store the flag 'True' or 'False' in a given variable.

Input Format: %variable%


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser %variable%
  • sendKeysToElement

Description: This function is used to perform keyboard events with respect to object.

Input Format : @Keyboard_Keys(like Enter,Shift,Ctrl,Ctrl+A)


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • sendKeysToWindow

Description: This function is used to perform the keyboard actions with respect to window.

Input Format : @Keyboard_Keys(like Enter,Shift,Ctrl,Ctrl+T)


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • deleteCookie

Description: This function will delete the cookie specified by the user.

Input Format : @Cookie Name


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • answerAlert

Description: This function is used for switch control to alert and answer it.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • acceptAlert

Description: This function is used for switch control to alert and accept it.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • dismissAlert

Description: This function is used to switch control to alert and to dismiss it.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • storeVariable

Description: This function will store the given data (in the input column) into a user-defined variable.This function is same as AddVar action.

Input Format : @Desired Value

Condition: %variable name%


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • storeVariableInDataSheet

Description: This function will store the variable's value (as given in the condition column) in the given data sheet and data column

Input Format: Sheetname:columnname

Condition: %variable name%


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser Sheet:Column %var%
  • storeTitle

Description: This function will store the current web page title into a user-defined variable.

Input Format : %variable name%


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • storeText

Description: This function will store the element's text into a user-defined variable.

Input Format : %variable name%


ObjectName Input Condition
Object %dynamicVar%
  • storeEval

Description: Function to store a Javascript expression's value in a variable.

For example if you have a variable as 'a' and 'b' and want to add them and store the sum in a variable, you can follow the following syntax.

ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @var a=20;var b=30;return c=a+b; %var%

Now the value 50(a+b), will be stored in var.

Input Format : javascript


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value %var%
  • print

Description: This function can be used for printing expected data in report.

Input Format : @Expected Text or variable can also be printed like %var_name%


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • close

Description: This function will close the selenium Web Driver.


ObjectName Input Condition


  • scrollHorizontallyTo

Description: This function will scroll horizontally to a user defined position.

Input Format : @left|right|number


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • scrollVerticallyTo

Description: This function will scroll vertically to a user defined position.

Input Format : @left|right|number


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • scrollToBottom

Description: This function will scroll to the bottom of the page


ObjectName Input Condition
  • scrollTo

Description: This function will scroll to a user specified position.

Input Format : @x co-ordinate,y co-ordinate


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • scrollToTop

Description: This function will scroll to the top of the page


ObjectName Input Condition
  • scrollToLeft

Description: This function will scroll to the left of the page


ObjectName Input Condition
  • scrollToRight

Description: This function will scroll to the right of the page


ObjectName Input Condition


  • assertTextPresentInPage

Description: This function will search for the expected text within the html tag of the page and assert the same

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • assertVariable

Description: This function will assert a stored variable's value with the value given by the user.

Input Format : @%var_name%=Expected Value


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • assertCookiePresent

Description: This function will assert the presence of a cookie by it's specified name and store the result in a variable.

Input Format : @CookieName


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value %variable%
Browser Sheet:Column %variable%
Browser %dynamicVar% %variable%
  • assertCookieByName

Description: This function will assert the cookie's (the name of the cookie is given is specified in the input column) value with the one in the input column

Input Format : @CookieName:CookieValue


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @data
  • assertAlertText

Description: This function will assert the text present in alert with the given text.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • assertAlertPresent

Description: This function will assert the presence of an alert


ObjectName Input Condition
  • assertEval

Description: This function will assert if the evaluated javascript expression equals the expected value provided.

Input Format : @javascript:expectedvalue.


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • assertVariableFromDataSheet

Description: This function will check if the variable given in the condition column has a value equals to the value from the datasheet mentioned in the input column.

Input Format : Datasheet name:Column name

Condition Format: %Variable name%


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser Sheet:Column %variable%


  • assertTitleIStartsWith

Description: This function will validate if the current page title begins with the user-provided data. This function will ignore case of the user-provided data.

Input Format : @Expected text


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • assertTitleEquals

Description: This function will validate if the title of the current page is equals the user-provided data.

Input Format : @Expected text


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • assertTitleContains

Description: This function will validate if the title of the current page has the user-provided data.

Input Format : @Expected text


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • assertTitleStartsWith

Description: This function will validate if the title of the current page begins with the user-provided data.

Input Format : @Expected text


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • assertTitleEndsWith

Description: This function will validate if the title of the current page ends with the user-provided data.

Input Format : @Expected text


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • assertTitleMatches

Description: This function will validate if the title current page matches the user-provided data. You can also use regular expression in the Input field.

Input Format : @Expected text


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • assertTitleIEquals

Description: This function will validate if the title of the current page is equals the user-provided data. This function will ignore case of user provided data.

Input Format : @Expected text


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • assertTitleIContains

Description: This function will validate if the title of the current page contains the user-provided data. This function will ignore case of the user-provided data.

Input Format : @Expected text


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • assertTitleIEndsWith

Description: This function will validate if the title of the current page ends with the user-provided data. This function will ignore case of the user-provided data.

Input Format : @Expected text


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%


  • assertElementAttrEquals

Description: This function will validate if specified attribute for an element is equal to the user-provided data.

Input Format : attributeName attributeValue


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • assertElementAttrContains

Description: This function will validate if the specified attribute for an element contains the user-provided data.

Input Format : attributeName attributeValue


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • assertElementAttrStartsWith

Description: This function will validate if specified attribute for an element begins with the user-provided data.

Input Format : attributeName attributeValue


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • assertElementAttrEndsWith

Description: This function will validate if specified attribute for an element ends with user provided data.

Input Format : attributeName attributeValue


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • assertElementAttrMatches

Description: This function will validate if specified attribute for an element matches with the user-provided data. You can also use regular expression in the Input field.

Input Format : attributeName attributeValue


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • assertElementAttrIEquals

Description: This function will validate if specified attribute for an element is equals the user-provided data.This function will ignore case of the user-provided data.

Input Format : attributeName attributeValue


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • assertElementAttrIContains

Description: This function will validate if specified attribute contains user-provided data.This function will ignore case of the user-provided data.

Input Format : attributeName attributeValue


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • assertElementAttrIStartsWith

Description: This function will validate if specified attribute for an element begins with the user-provided data. This function will ignore case of the user-provided data.

Input Format : attributeName attributeValue


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • assertElementAttrIEndsWith

Description: This function will validate if specified attribute for an element ends with the user-provided data. This function will ignore case of the user-provided data.

Input Format : attributeName attributeValue


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • verifyElementAttribute

Description: This function will check if the value of the specified attribute of the element matches the user provided value.

Input Format : attributeName attributeValue


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%


  • assertElementTextEquals

Description: This function will validate if a specified element text is equal to the user-provided text.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • assertElementTextContains

Description: This function will check if an element text contains the expected text.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • assertElementTextStartsWith

Description: This function will validate if specified element text starts with user provided data.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • assertElementTextEndsWith

Description: This function will validate if the specified element text ends with user-provided data.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • assertElementTextMatches

Description: This function will validate if a specified element text matches with the user-provided data. You can also use regular expression in the Input field .

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • assertElementTextIEquals

Description: This function will validate if a specified element text is equal to the user-provided data. This function will ignore case of the user-provided data.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • assertElementTextIContains

Description: This function will validate if a specified element text contains the user-provided data. This function will ignore case of the user-provided data.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • assertElementTextIStartsWith

Description: This function will validate if a specified element text begins with the user-provided data. This function will ignore case of the user-provided data.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%
  • assertElementTextIEndsWith

Description: This function will validate if a specified element text ends with the user-provided data. This function will ignore case of the user-provided data.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%


  • assertUrlEquals

Description:This function will validate if the current URL equals the user-provided data.

Input Format : @Url value


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • assertUrlContains

Description:This function will validate if the current URL has the user-provided data.

Input Format : @Url value


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • assertUrlStartsWith

Description:This function will validate if the current URL beings with the user-provided data.

Input Format : @Url value


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • assertUrlEndsWith

Description:This function will validate if the current URL text ends with user-provided data.

Input Format : @Url value


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • assertUrlMatches

Description: This function will validate if the current URL matches with the user-provided data. You can also use regular expression in the Input field.

Input Format : @Url value


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • assertUrlIEquals

Description: This function will validate if the current URL is equal to the user-provided data. This function will ignore case of user-provided data.

Input Format : @Url value


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • assertUrlIContains

Description: This function will validate if the current URL has the user-provided data.This function will ignore case of user-provided data.

Input Format : @Url value


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • assertUrlIStartsWith

Description: This function will validate if the current URL begins with the user-provided data. This function will ignore case of user provided data.

Input Format : @Url value


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • assertUrlIEndsWith

Description: This function will validate if the current URL ends with the user-provided data. This function will ignore case of user-provided data.

Input Format : @Url value


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%

Webservice Actions

HTTP Methods

  • postRestRequest

Description: This function is used to perform POST action on a Rest API.

Input Format : @Expected Payload


ObjectName Input Condition
Webservice @Payload (from Editor)
Webservice Sheet:Column
Webservice %dynamicVar%

Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded , passed inside the JSON editor which is capable of parameterising the Payload (Press ctrl+space to see the list of variables available ), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%), as given in the above example.

  • putRestRequest

Description: This function is used to perform PUT action on a Rest API.

Input Format : @Expected Payload


ObjectName Input Condition
Webservice @Payload (from Editor)
Webservice Sheet:Column
Webservice %dynamicVar%

Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded , passed inside the JSON editor which is capable of parameterising the Payload (Press ctrl+space to see the list of variables available ), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%), as given in the above example.

  • postSoapRequest

Description: This function is used to perform POST action on a SOAP API.

Input Format : @Expected Payload


ObjectName Input Condition
Webservice @Payload (from Editor)
Webservice Sheet:Column
Webservice %dynamicVar%

Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded , passed inside the XML editor which is capable of parameterising the Payload (Press ctrl+space to see the list of variables available ), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%), as given in the above example.

  • getRestRequest

Description: This function is used to perform GET action on a Rest API.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • deleteRestRequest

Description: This function is used to perform DELETE action on a Rest API.


ObjectName Input Condition


  • assertResponseCode

Description: This function is used to validate the response code of SOAP/REST response.

Input Format : @Expected code


ObjectName Input Condition
Webservice @Code
Webservice Sheet:Column
Webservice %dynamicVar%

Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded , passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%), as given in the above example.

  • assertResponseMessage

Description: This function is used to validate the response message of SOAP/REST response.

Input Format : @Expected message


ObjectName Input Condition
Webservice @Message
Webservice Sheet:Column
Webservice %dynamicVar%

Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded , passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%), as given in the above example.

  • assertResponsebodycontains

Description: This function is used to validate whether the response body of SOAP/REST request contains an expected text or not.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Webservice @Text
Webservice Sheet:Column
Webservice %dynamicVar%

Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded , passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%), as given in the above example.

  • assertJSONelementEquals

Description: This function is used to validate whether a certain JSON tag of the response body of REST request contains an expected text or not.

Input Format : @Expected Text

Condition Format : JSON Path of the tag


ObjectName Input Condition
Webservice @Text JSON Path
Webservice Sheet:Column JSON Path
Webservice %dynamicVar% JSON Path

Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded , passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%), as given in the above example.

The Condition expects a JSON Path in the format : $.JSONPath. Please follow the example in Appendix I.

  • assertXMLelementEquals

Description: This function is used to validate whether a certain XML tag of the response body of SOAP request contains an expected text or not.

Input Format : @Expected Text

Condition Format: XPath of the tag


ObjectName Input Condition
Webservice @Text XPath
Webservice Sheet:Column XPath
Webservice %dynamicVar% XPath

Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded , passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%), as given in the above example.

The Condition expects a XPath in the format : /Parent/Child/text(). Please follow the example in Appendix II.

Store Data

  • storeJSONelementInDataSheet

Description: This function is used to store a certain JSON tag value inside the response body of REST request, into a respective column of a given datasheet.

Input Format : @Expected datasheet name:column name

Condition Format: JSONPath of the tag


ObjectName Input Condition
Webservice Sheet:Column JSON Path

Note: Ensure that your data sheet doesn't contain column names with spaces.

The Condition expects a JSON Path in the format : $.JSONPath. Please follow the example in Appendix I.

  • storeXMLelementInDataSheet

Description: This function is used to store a certain XML tag value inside the response body of SOAP request, into a respective column of a given datasheet.

Input Format : @Expected datasheet name:column name

Condition Format: XPath of the tag


ObjectName Input Condition
Webservice Sheet:Column XPath

Note: Ensure that your data sheet doesn't contain column names with spaces.

The Condition expects an XPath in the format : /Parent/Child/text(). Please follow the example in Appendix II.

  • storeJSONelement

Description: This function is used to store a certain JSON tag value inside the response body of REST request, into a variable.

Input Format : @JSONPath of the tag

Condition Format: %variable name%


ObjectName Input Condition
Webservice @Json Path %var%
Webservice Sheet:Column %var%
Webservice %dynamicVar% %var%

The Input expects a JSON Path in the format : $.JSONPath. Please follow the example in Appendix I.

The Condition expects the name of a variable in this format : %var% where ‘var’ is the variable name.

  • storeXMLelement

Description: This function is used to store a certain XML tag value inside the response body of SOAP request, into a variable.

Input Format : @XPath of the tag

Condition Format: %variable name%


ObjectName Input Condition
Webservice @XPath %var%
Webservice Sheet:Column %var%
Webservice %dynamicVar% %var%

The Input expects an XPath in the format : /Parent/Child/text(). Please follow the example in Appendix II.

The Condition expects the name of a variable in this format : %var% where ‘var’ is the variable name.

  • storeResponseBodyInDataSheet

Description: This function is used to store the response body of SOAP/REST request, into a respective column of a given datasheet.

Input Format : @Expected datasheet name:column name


ObjectName Input Condition
Webservice Sheet:Column

Note: Ensure that your data sheet doesn't contain column names with spaces.

  • storeHeaderElementByName

Description: This function is used to store a Header Value of the response of SOAP/REST request, into a variable.

Input Format : @Header Name

Condition Format : %variable name%


ObjectName Input Condition
Webservice @Header Name %var%
Webservice Sheet:Column %var%
Webservice %dynamicVar% %var%

Common Methods

  • setEndPoint

Description: This function is used to set the End Point for a Rest/SOAP API.

Input Format : @End point


ObjectName Input Condition
Webservice @EndPoint (from Editor)
Webservice Sheet:Column
Webservice %dynamicVar%

Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded , passed inside the Endpoint editor which is capable of parameterising the Endpoint (Press ctrl+space to see the list of variables available ), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%), as given in the above example.

  • addHeader

Description: This function is used to add a header for a Rest/SOAP API request.

Input Format : @HeaderName=HeaderValue


ObjectName Input Condition
Webservice @HeaderName=HeaderValue
Webservice Sheet:Column
Webservice %dynamicVar%

Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded , passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%), as given in the above example.

  • closeConnection

Description: This function is used to close a connection for a Rest/SOAP API request.


ObjectName Input Condition

Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded , passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%), as given in the above example.

  • setBasicAuthorization

Description: This function is used to set Basic Authorization for a Rest/SOAP API request.

Input Format : @EncryptedAuthorizationDetails


ObjectName Input Condition
Webservice @ EncryptedAuthorizationDetails
Webservice Sheet:Column
Webservic %dynamicVar%

Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded , passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%), as given in the above example.

Appendix I

  • JSON Path Example :

JSON Body :


JSON Path for retrieving “TestName” is $.name

Appendix II

  • XPath Example :

XML Body :

<root xmlns:foo="" xmlns:bar="">
		<actor id="1">Christian Bale</actor>
		<actor id="2">Liam Neeson</actor>
		<actor id="3">Michael Caine</actor>

XPath for retrieving “Liam Neeson” is /root/actors/actor[2]/text() or simply //actor[2]/text()

Appendix III

  • How a complete Request Test Case should look like -
  1. A request should contain a setEndPoint action. This action is always marked in blue.

  2. A request should contain an HTTP Method . This action is always marked in green.

  3. A request should contain a closeConnection action. This action is always marked in brown.

Appendix IV

  • Troubleshooting :
  1. If you get an error like this :

PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target - You need to add the certificate of the application whose APIs you are trying to test.

To add the certificate follow the steps below :

a. Download the certificate b. Import the Trusted Root Certificate into your cacerts keystore, using following command : keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit -alias Root -import -file mycertificate.pem

Mobile Actions


  • swipeRight

Description: This function will swipe right (from left)

Input Format : @start,end (for example, @10,80 10-10 % of width, 80 -80 % of width)

Input is Optional

Screenshot : No


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • swipeLeft

Description: This function will swipe left (from right)

Input Format :@start,end (for example, @80,10 10-10 % of width, 80 -80 % of width)

Input is Optional


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • swipeDown

Description: This function will swipe down (from Top).

Input Format : @start,end (for example, @10,80 10-10 % of height, 80 -80 % of height)

Input is Optional


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • swipeUp

Description: This function will swipe up (from bottom)

Input Format :@start,end (for example, @80,10 10-10 % of height, 80 -80 % of height)

Input is Optional


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%


  • tap

Description: Convenience method for tapping the center of an element on the screen

Parameters : fingers- number of fingers/appendages to tap with element - element to tap duration - how long between pressing down, and lifting fingers/appendages.

Input Format :@no.of.fingers ,time in seconds [1,1]


ObjectName Input Condition
Mobile @value
Mobile Sheet:Column
Mobile %dynamicVar%
  • tapAt

Description: Convenience method for tapping a position on the screen

Parameters : fingers- number of fingers/appendages to tap with x - x coordinate y - y coordinate duration - how long between pressing down, and lifting fingers/appendages

Input Format :@no.of.fingers,x,y,time_in_seconds [1,50,60,1]


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • zoom

Description: Convenience method for zooming in on an element on the screen. "zooming in" refers to the action of two appendages pressing the screen and sliding away from each other.

NOTE: This convenience method slides touches away from the element, if this would happen to place one of them off the screen, appium will return an outOfBounds error. In such a case, revert to using the MultiTouchAction api instead of this method.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • pinch

Description: Convenience method for pinching an element on the screen. "pinching" refers to the action of two appendages pressing the screen and sliding towards each other.

NOTE: This convenience method places the initial touches around the element, if this would happen to place one of them off the screen, appium will return an outOfBounds error. In such a case, revert to using the MultiTouchAction api instead of this method.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • toggleLocationServices

Description: This function will toggle location Services from your settings.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • zoomAt

Description: This function will zoom at the user-provided location.

Input Format : @x,y

The x,y coordinates are given in the input column


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • pinchAt

Description: This function will pinch at the user-provided location.

Input Format :@x,y

The x,y coordinates are given in the input column


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • lockScreen

Description: This function will lock the device (bring it to the lock screen) for a given number of seconds

Input Format : @time in seconds


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • switchContext

Description: This function will switch context of the driver

Input Format : @Context to switch


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • launchApp

Description: This function will launch the application which was provided in the emulator Capabilities when creating session.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • installApp

Description: This function will install an application on the mobile device.

Input Format : @path of the apk or app


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • hideKeyboard

Description: This function will hide the software keyboard .


ObjectName Input Condition
  • resetApp

Description:This function will reset the currently running application (given in emulator Capabilities) for the current session.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • clear

Description: This function is used to clear the object's text


ObjectName Input Condition
  • openNotifications

Description: This function opens the notification view in the device.


ObjectName Input Condition

Key Actions

  • mobile_back

Description: This action is used to traverse back to the previous page.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • settings

Description: MakThis function will press settings key [Android]


ObjectName Input Condition
  • search

Description: This function will press Search key


ObjectName Input Condition
  • enter

Description: This function will press the Enter key [Android].


ObjectName Input Condition
  • menu

Description: This function will press the Menu key [Android].


ObjectName Input Condition
  • home

Description: This function will press the Home key [Android].


ObjectName Input Condition
  • setKey

Description: This function will press the given key [Android]

Input Format : @AndroidKeyCode []


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%

WebPage Performance Actions

  • capturePageTimings

Description: This action captures page navigation and resource timings parameters of the web page last opened using Open action and stores it in the report and HAR.

Input Format : @Page Name


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @value
Browser Sheet:Column
Browser %dynamicVar%
  • ClearCache

Description: Clears browser's data for example cookies.


ObjectName Input Condition

Accessibility Testing

  • testAccessibility

Description: This function will generate the accessibility report for the entire web page based on the input parameters passed, Report name is mandatory under the input.


ObjectName Input Condition
browser @ReportName
browser @ReportName @include tagName
browser @ReportName @exclude tagName
browser @ReportName @include tagName @exclude tagName
browser @ReportName @Options{}

Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded (in this case the data is preceded by a "@"), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%), as given in the above example.

  • testAccessibilityElement

Description: This function will generate the accessibility report for a particular web element based on the input parameters passed. The input parameters are optional. In case no input parameter is passed the report will be generated for all tags associated with the element, the default name for the report will be the name of the element.


ObjectName Input Condition
WebObject @ReportName
WebObject @ReportName @Options{}

Database Validation


  • initDBConnection

Description: This function will initialize the database connection


ObjectName Input Condition
  • closeDBConnection

Description: This function will close the database connection


ObjectName Input Condition
  • assertDBResult

Description: This function will assert if the SQL result contains a particular data in a specific column after the execution of a SQL select statement.

Input Format : @ExpectedValue

Condition : Name of the column in which result is expected


ObjectName Input Condition
Database @value produceName
Database Sheet:Column produceName
Database %dynamicVar% produceName
  • executeSelectQuery

Description: This function will execute the given select query on the database

Input Format : @sqlQuery


ObjectName Input Condition
Database @select * from public."Employee"
  • executeDMLQuery

Description: This query will execute an SQL DML statement on the database and will commit the results back to the database

Input Format : @sqlQuer


ObjectName Input Condition
Database @UPDATE public."Employee" SET "Age"=27 WHERE id = 123456;
Database Sheet:Column
Database %dynamicVar%
  • storeDBValueinDataSheet

Description: This action will store the value of a specific cell(from specific row and column) from the result of an SQL select statement in the data sheet

Input Format : @DatasheetName:ColumnName , Condition : DatabaseColumnName, ResultSetRowNumber


ObjectName Input Condition
Database @Table:Column productName, 1
  • storeValueInVariable

Description: This action will store the value of a specific cell(from specific row and column) from the result of an SQL select statement in a user defined variable

Input Format : %variableName% , Condition : DatabaseColumnName, ResultSetRowNumber


ObjectName Input Condition
Database %var% productName, 1
  • storeValueInGlobalVariable

Description: This action will store the value of a specific cell(from specific row and column) from the result of an SQL select statement in global variable

Input Format : %variableName% , Condition : DatabaseColumnName, ResultSetRowNumber


ObjectName Input Condition
Database %var% productName, 1
  • storeResultInDataSheet

Description: This action will store the result of an SQL select statement in the test data sheet in Cognizant Intelligent Test Scripter

Input Format : @sqlQuery , Condition : DatasheetName


ObjectName Input Condition
Database select * from public."Employee" Datasheet
  • storeResultInVariable

Description: This action will store the result of an SQL select statement in a user defined variable. The select query in this case should return a single column, the query may return multiple rows. In case the query returns a single value, the value will be stored in the variable name given (for eg:- var), In case if the select query returns multiple rows, multiple variables will be created by adding indexes to the variable name given and the value will be stored in these variables(for eg:- var1, var2, var3.....)

Input Format : @sqlQuery , Condition : %VariableName%


ObjectName Input Condition
Database select * from public."Employee" %var%



  • imgAssertText

Description: This function is used to check if the given expected text is present in the image object.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Image @value
Image Sheet:Column
Image %dynamicVar%
  • imgVerifyText

Description: This function is used to verify if the given expected text is present in the image object.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Image @value
Image Sheet:Column
Image %dynamicVar%
  • imgStoreText

Description: This function is used to store image text in a user-defined variable.

Input Format : %Variable_Name%


ObjectName Input Condition
Image %dynamicVar%
  • imgAssertTextAbove

Description: This function is used to check if the expected text is above the image object.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Image @value
Image Sheet:Column
Image %dynamicVar%
  • imgAssertTextBelow

Description: This function is used to check if the expected text is below the image object.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Image @value
Image Sheet:Column
Image %dynamicVar%
  • imgAssertTextRight

Description:This function is used to check if the expected text is at the right to the image object.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Image @value
Image Sheet:Column
Image %dynamicVar%
  • imgAssertTextLeft

Description: This function is used to check if the expected text is at the left of the image object.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Image @value
Image Sheet:Column
Image %dynamicVar%
  • imgVerifyTextAbove

Description: TThis function is used to check if the expected text is above the image object.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Image @value
Image Sheet:Column
Image %dynamicVar%
  • imgVerifyTextBelow

Description: This function is used to check if the expected text is below the image object.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Image @value
Image Sheet:Column
Image %dynamicVar%
  • imgVerifyTextRight

Description: This function is used to check if the expected text is to the right of the image object.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Image @value
Image Sheet:Column
Image %dynamicVar%
  • imgVerifyTextLeft

Description: This function is used to check if the expected text is to the left of the image object.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Input Condition
Image @value
Image Sheet:Column
Image %dynamicVar%
  • imgStoreTextAbove

Description: This function is used to store a text above the object in a user-defined

Input Format : %Variable_Name%


ObjectName Input Condition
Image %dynamicVar%
  • imgStoreTextBelow

Description: This function is used to store a text below the object in a user-defined

Input Format : %Variable_Name%


ObjectName Input Condition
Image %dynamicVar%
  • imgStoreTextRight

Description: This function is used to store a text to the right of the object in a userdefined variable.

Input Format : %Variable_Name%


ObjectName Input Condition
Image %dynamicVar%
  • imgStoreTextLeft

Description: This function is used to store a text to the left of the object in a user-defined variable.

Input Format : %Variable_Name%


ObjectName Input Condition
Image %dynamicVar%

Common Image Methods

  • imgClearAndSet

Description: This function will clear an image object and then it will set the user provided data in that object.

Input Format : @Expected data.


ObjectName Input Condition
Image @value
Image Sheet:Column
Image %dynamicVar%
  • imgSetEncrypted

Description: This function is used to enter the encrypted data into image objects.

Input Format : @Expected data.


ObjectName Input Condition
Image @value
Image Sheet:Column
Image %dynamicVar%

Note: If the data is passed from data sheet, then the data in the sheet should be encrypted.

  • imgDoubleClick

Description: This function is used to find and double-click the image on the screen.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • imgVerifyImage

Description: This function is used to verify if the image object is on the screen.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • imgAssertImage

Description: This function is used to check if the image is on the screen.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • imgClick

Description: Finds and clicks the image on the screen.

Input Format : Give Optional parameter as keyModifiers (i.e., Ctrl/Shift/Alt)


ObjectName Input Condition
Image @value
Image Sheet:Column
Image %dynamicVar%
  • imgType

Description: This function is used for typing any user given data in an image.

Input Format : @Expected Data


ObjectName Input Condition
Image @value
Image Sheet:Column
Image %dynamicVar%
  • typeOnScreen

Description: This function is used to type any text on the screen where the cursor/focus is currently available.

Input Format : @Text to be typed


ObjectName Input Condition
App @value
App Sheet:Column
App %dynamicVar%
  • imgClearText

Description: This function is used to delete the whole text from the image objects such as from a text.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • imgHover

Description: This function is used to hover the mouse over the image object on the screen.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • imgSet

Description: This function is used to set (Paste) the input data on the image.

Input Format : @Expected Data


ObjectName Input Condition
Image @value
Image Sheet:Column
Image %dynamicVar%
  • imgRightClick

Description: This function is used to right-click the specificed image on the screen.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • imgWait

Description: Waits for the image to appear on the screen

Input Format : @time in seconds .If the input column is left empty default time of 10 seconds will be used.


ObjectName Input Condition
Image @value
Image Sheet:Column
Image %dynamicVar%
  • imgWaitVanish

Description: This function is used to wait for the image to disappear from the screen.

Input Format : @time in seconds. If the input column is left empty default time of 10 seconds will be used


ObjectName Input Condition
Image @value
Image Sheet:Column
Image %dynamicVar%
  • imgFindinPage

Description: This function is used to find any image on the page within the desired time.

Input Format : @Time in miliseconds


ObjectName Input Condition
Image @value
Image Sheet:Column
Image %dynamicVar%


  • imgmouseDown

Description: This function is used to perform the mouse down operation. Keys integer value can be given as the input.

Input Format : @Keys Integer Representation (16, 8, 4, -1, 1 respectively for mouse left, middle, right, wheel up, wheel down buttons)


ObjectName Input Condition
Image @value
Image Sheet:Column
Image %dynamicVar%
  • imgmouseUp

Description: This function is used to perform the mouse up operation. Keys integer value can be given as the input.

Input Format : @Keys Integer Representation (16, 8, 4, -1, 1 respectively for mouse left, middle, right, wheel up, and wheel down buttons)


ObjectName Input Condition
Image @value
Image Sheet:Column
Image %dynamicVar%
  • moveMouseTO

Description: This function will move the mouse to a user-defined location.

Input Format : @Location


ObjectName Input Condition
App @value
App Sheet:Column
App %dynamicVar%


  • shortcutKeys

Description: This function is used to perform the keyboard shortcut actions.

Input Format : @Combination of keys such as Ctrl+a


ObjectName Input Condition
App @value
App Sheet:Column
App %dynamicVar%
  • pressKeys

Description:This function is used to perform the keyboard key press actions. After pressing it, do not forget to release the keys.

Input Format : @Keyboard Keys like Ctrl,Shift,Alt


ObjectName Input Condition
App @value
App Sheet:Column
App %dynamicVar%
  • releaseKeys

Description: This function is used to perform release actions of the keyboard keys. It will release an already pressed key.

Input Format : @Keyboard Keys like Ctrl,Shift,Alt


ObjectName Input Condition
App @value
App Sheet:Column
App %dynamicVar%
  • openApp

Description: This function is used to open the given application from your system.

Input Format : @App Name [if the path is available in the 'path' environment variable] or App Location.


ObjectName Input Condition
App @value
App Sheet:Column
App %dynamicVar%
  • closeApp

Description:This function is used to close any application opened by using the openApp action.

Input Format : @App Name or App Location


ObjectName Input Condition
App @value
App Sheet:Column
App %dynamicVar%
  • focusApp

Description: This function is used to focus any application opened by using openApp action.

Input Format : @App Name or App Location


ObjectName Input Condition
App @value
App Sheet:Column
App %dynamicVar%
  • keyboardKey

Description: This function is used to perform single keyboard key events.

Input Format : @Keyboard_Key(like Enter,Shift,Ctrl)


ObjectName Input Condition
App @value
App Sheet:Column
App %dynamicVar%
  • pageDown

Description: This function is used to perform page down actions for desired number of times.

Input Format : @No of page down(integer)


ObjectName Input Condition
App @value
App Sheet:Column
App %dynamicVar%
  • clickOn

Description: This function is used to perform click operations on text.

Input Format : @Text, which needs to be clicked.


ObjectName Input Condition
App @value
App Sheet:Column
App %dynamicVar%

Drag and Drop

  • imgDragandDrop

Description: This function is used to drag any image and drop it on another image on the screen.

Input Format : @Page Name,Image Object Name


ObjectName Input Condition
Image @value
  • imgDragandDropAt

Description: This function is used to drag an image and drop it in a user-defined region.

Input Format:@x coordinate,y coordinate,width,height (All integers)


ObjectName Input Condition
Image @value
Image Sheet:Column
Image %dynamicVar%
  • imgDrag

Description: This function is used to drag any image from screen.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • imgDropAt

Description: This function is used to drop the dragged image on the given image object. Be sure that dragging is not already released.


ObjectName Input Condition
  • takeDesktopScreenShot

Description:This function is used to take a screenshot of the entire screen, the screenshot includes the task bar as well if the task bar is visible


ObjectName Input Condition

Layout Validation

CSS properties

  • assertElementCssPropEquals

Description: This function will validate if the specified Css Property for an element is equal to the user-provided value.

Syntax :

ObjectName Input Condition
ObjectName @Css Property value


ObjectName Input Condition
ObjectName @font-size 17 px
  • assertElementCssPropContains

Description: This function will validate if the specified Css Property for an element contains the user-provided value.

Syntax :

ObjectName Input Condition
ObjectName @Css Property value


ObjectName Input Condition
ObjectName @font-family sans-serif
  • assertElementCssPropEndsWith

Description: This function will validate if the specified Css Property for an element ends with the user-provided value.

Syntax :

ObjectName Input Condition
ObjectName @Css Property value


ObjectName Input Condition
ObjectName @font-size 17 px
  • assertElementCssPropMatches

Description: This function will validate if the specified Css Property for an element matches with the user-provided value. User can use regular expression also in input field.

Syntax :

ObjectName Input Condition
ObjectName @Css Property value


ObjectName Input Condition
ObjectName @font-family (.)Arial(.)
  • assertElementCssPropStartsWith

Description: This function will validate if the specified Css Property for an element begins with the user-provided value.

Syntax :

ObjectName Input Condition
ObjectName @Css Property value


ObjectName Input Condition
ObjectName @font-family Helvetica


  • assertElementOnTopLeft

Description: TThis function verifies if the element is moved from another element from a specified corner. Visually it could be considered as if one element is placed at the top left of another element.

Input Format : Locations

Syntax :

ObjectName Input Condition
PrimaryObjectName @Parameter SecondaryObjectName


ObjectName Input Condition
Label @20 px left, 10 px bottom user picture

NOTE: To avoid typing the name of the secondary object, you can simply drag the object and drop the object from the OR(Object Repository) in to the Condition Column.

  • assertElementOnTopRight

Description: This function verifies if the element is moved from another element from a specified corner. Visually it could be considered as if one element is placed at the top right of another element.

Input Format : Locations

Syntax :

ObjectName Input Condition
PrimaryObjectName @Parameter SecondaryObjectName


ObjectName Input Condition
item1 @20 px left, 10 px bottom item2
  • assertElementOnBottomLeft

Description: This function verifies if the element is moved from another element from a specified corner. Visually it could be considered as if one element is placed at the bottom left of another element

Input Format : Locations

Syntax :

ObjectName Input Condition
PrimaryObjectName @Parameter SecondaryObjectName


ObjectName Input Condition
item1 @20 px left, 10 px bottom item2
  • assertElementOnBottomRight

Description: This function verifies if the element is moved from another element from a specified corner. Visually it could be considered as if one element is placed at the bottom right of another element.

Syntax :

ObjectName Input Condition
PrimaryObjectName @Parameter SecondaryObjectName


ObjectName Input Condition
item1 @20 px left, 10 px bottom item2


  • assertElementCenteredAInside

Description: It allows to verify if the element is completely centered within another element with the user-defined error rate. Useful in case of responsive Web Design applications.

Input Format : Range or empty

Syntax :

ObjectName Input Condition
PrimaryObjectName @Parameter SecondaryObjectName


ObjectName Input Condition
Button Box
Button @10px Box
  • assertElementCenteredAOn

Description: It allows to verify that the element is completely centered on top of another element with user-defined error rate. Useful in case of responsive Web Design applications.

Input Format : Range or empty

Syntax :

ObjectName Input Condition
PrimaryObjectName @Parameter SecondaryObjectName


ObjectName Input Condition
Button Box
Button @10px Box
  • assertElementCenteredHOn

Description: It allows to verify if the element is horizontally centered on top of another element with the user-defined error rate. Useful in case of responsive Web Design applications.

Input Format : Range or empty

Syntax :

ObjectName Input Condition
PrimaryObjectName @Parameter SecondaryObjectName


ObjectName Input Condition
Button Box
Button @10px Box
  • assertElementCenteredHInside

Description: It allows to verify if the element is horizontally centered within another element with the user-defined error rate. Useful in case of responsive Web Design applications.

Input Format : Range or empty

Syntax :

ObjectName Input Condition
PrimaryObjectName @Parameter SecondaryObjectName


ObjectName Input Condition
Button Box
Button @10px Box
  • assertElementCenteredVOn

Description: It allows to verify if the element is vertically centered on top of another element with the user-defined error rate. Useful in case of responsive Web Design applications.

Input Format : Range or empty

Syntax :

ObjectName Input Condition
PrimaryObjectName @Parameter SecondaryObjectName


ObjectName Input Condition
Button Box
Button @10px Box
  • assertElementCenteredVInside

Description:This function will validate if the given image matches with the speci

Input Format : Image file location

Syntax :

ObjectName Input Condition
PrimaryObjectName @Parameter SecondaryObjectName


ObjectName Input Condition
Button Box
Button @10px Box


  • assertElementImage

Description: This function is used to add a user-defined variable with a desired value and the scope of this variable is till the end of the test case in which it is defined

Syntax :

ObjectName Input Condition
ObjectToBeCompared @Parameter


  • The step given below will compare object on the screen pixel to pixel with image imagefolder/image1.png and will notify if the amount of mismatching pixel is higher than 10 pixels that is allowed maximum.
ObjectName Input Condition
Item1 @file imagefolder/image1.png, error 10 px
  • You can also change the assertion from absolute pixels values to percentage.
ObjectName Input Condition
Item1 @file imagefolder/image1.png, error 4%
  • When comparing images of different sizes, we place one image on top of another and assume that the missing pixels are of black color. You can change this behavior by stretching the image to
ObjectName Input Condition
Item1 @file imgs/menu-item-1.png, error 4%, stretch
  • You can also define an area which should be used from the sample image as given below. The area parameter takes 4 values: left, top, width, and height.
ObjectName Input Condition
Item1 @file imgs/menu-item-1.png, error 4%, area 10 10 100 30
  • Sometimes you may have different images for different browsers and this will break all your tests. For such cases, you can define different image samples in one step as given below.
ObjectName Input Condition
Item1 @file imagefolder/image1.png, imagefolder/image2.png,
imagefolder/image3.png, error 20 px
  • Sometimes you may want to apply some filters to compared images to have a smarter image comparison. For an instance, you can apply blur to images. This might be handy if the compared image has generated noise. Or, you can also apply denoise
ObjectName Input Condition
Item1 @file item-1.png, error 1%,filter saturation 0, map-filter denoise 5
  • If you want to apply filter only to the original image, you can use filter-a expression as given below.
ObjectName Input Condition
Item1 @file imgs/item-1.png, filter-a blur 10, error 4%
  • If you want to apply a specific filter only to a sample image, you can use filter-b expression as given below.
ObjectName Input Condition
Item1 @file imgs/login-button.png, filter-b contrast 200, error 4%

Following will happen as a result of this check:

* Cognizant Intelligent Test Scripter takes both images and applies blur filter with radius 4.

* It applies saturation filter with Level 0. That is, complete loss of color and change of images color to Grey.

* It compares the image and builds a comparison map.

* After these operations, it applies denoise filter with radius 5 pixels and removes noise from the generated map.

* After all these operations, it counts the mismatching pixels.

List of all available image filters

** blur < radius>** - Blurs the image with the given radius of blur.

saturation < level> -Removes the colors with the given level. Zero value means complete loss of colors. At 100 value all the colors are left the same. At Level 50 the image is colored by half.

contrast < level> - Increases the contrast. The allowed range for level is between 0 to 258.

denoise < radius> - Removes noise from image. It is applicable only as a map-filter as it only works with black/white images.

quantinize < colorsAmount> - Makes less colors on the image.


  • assertElementAlignedHoriz

Description: This function will validate Horizontal Alignment of an object with another object.

Input Format : alignment error rate in px

Syntax :

ObjectName Input Condition
PrimaryObjectName @Parameter SecondaryObjectName


ObjectName Input Condition
item1 @all item2
item1 @all 10px item2
ObjectName Input Condition
PrimaryObject @top item2
PrimaryObject @top 10px item2
ObjectName Input Condition
item1 @bottom item2
item1 @bottom 10px item2
item1 @centered item2
item1 @centered 10px item2
  • assertElementAlignedVert

Description: This function will validate the Vertical Alignment of an object with another object.

Input Format : alignment error rate in px.


ObjectName Input Condition
PrimaryObjectName @Parameter SecondaryObjectName


ObjectName Input Condition
item1 @all item2
item1 @all 10px item2
PrimaryObject @left SecondaryObject
PrimaryObject @left 10px SecondaryObject
ObjectName Input Condition
item1 @right item2
item1 @right 10px item2
item1 @centered item2
item1 @centered 10px item2


  • assertElementNear

Description: This function will validate if the specified element is placed near another element.

Input Format :Locations


ObjectName Input Condition
PrimaryObjectName @Parameter SecondaryObjectName


ObjectName Input Condition
textfield @10 px left button
ObjectName Input Condition
button @10 px right textfield
ObjectName Input Condition
textfield @5 px top button
ObjectName Input Condition
button @5 px bottom textfield
ObjectName Input Condition
textfield @5 px bottom left button
ObjectName Input Condition
button @5 px top right textfield
ObjectName Input Condition
textfield @5 px top, 10 px left button


  • createPageDump

Description :This function will create page dump for the user specified page.

Input Format : PageName from ObjectRepository.


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @PageNameInObjectRepository


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @Sample


  • highlight

Description: This function will validate if specified element has a list of specified elements.

Input Format : Color in hexcode like @#ff44ff. If it is left empty red will be taken as default.


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser SecondarObjectName/RegularExpression


*To check if an element contains another element

ObjectName Input Condition
item1 item2

*To check if an element contains more than one elements

ObjectName Input Condition
item1 (item2 or item2 or item3)

*You can also use asterisk to match all other objects. For if we have an object menu and in it there other object like: menu-item1, menu-item2, menu-item3

ObjectName Input Condition
menu item-(.*)
  • assertElementContainsPartly

Description: This function is used when an element is not completely within another element.


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser SecondarObjectName/RegularExpression


ObjectName Input Condition
item1 item2
item1 (item1 or item2 or item3)
menu item-(.*)


  • assertElementColorScheme

Description: This function verifies color distribution on object area. Galen takes a picture and then calculates the object’s area color spectrum so that you can later verify the usage for specific colors.

Input Format : @Expected color distribution.


ObjectName Input Condition
ObjectName @Parameter


ObjectName Input Condition
ObjectName @50% white, 4 to 5 % black, 30% #f845b7


  • assertElementInsidePartly

Description: This function will validate if the specified element is placed partly within another element.

Input Format : Locations


ObjectName Input Condition
PrimaryObject @Parameter SecondaryObject


ObjectName Input Condition
button box
button @10 px top container
button @10 px bottom container
button @10 px left container
button @10 px right container
button @10 px top left container
ObjectName Input Condition
button @10 px left right, 20 px top bottom container
  • assertElementInside

Description: This function will validate if the specified element lies within another element.

Input Format : Locations


ObjectName Input Condition
PrimaryObject @Parameter SecondaryObject


ObjectName Input Condition
button box
ObjectName Input Condition
button @10 px top container
button @10 px bottom container
button @10 px left container
button @10 px right container
button @10 px top left container
ObjectName Input Condition
button @10 px left right, 20 px top bottom container


  • assertElementAbove

Description: This function will validate if an element is present above another element.

Input Format :Range [optional]


ObjectName Input Condition
PrimaryObject @Parameter SecondaryObject


ObjectName Input Condition
caption @15 px Secondary ObjectName
  • assertElementBelow

Description: This function will validate if an element is below another element.

Input Format :Range [optional]


ObjectName Input Condition
PrimaryObject @Parameter SecondaryObject


ObjectName Input Condition
caption @15 px Secondary ObjectName
  • assertElementLeftOf

Description: This function will validate if the specified element is placed to the left of another element.

Input Format : Range in px


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @Parameter SecondaryObject


ObjectName Input Condition
caption @10 px Secondary ObjectName
  • assertElementRightOf

Description: This function will validate if the specified element is placed at the right of another element.


ObjectName Input Condition
Browser @Parameter SecondaryObject


ObjectName Input Condition
caption @10 px Secondary ObjectName

Width and Height

  • assertElementWidthElement

Description: This function will validate the width of the specified object with respect to the width of another element.

Input Format : @Parameter


ObjectName Input Condition
Primary Object @Parameter Secondary Objectname/screen/viewport
Primary Object @50 px Secondary Objectname
  • assertElementHeightElement

Description: This function will validate the height of the specified object with respect to the height of another element.

Input Format : Range in %


ObjectName Input Condition
Primary Object @Parameter Secondary Objectname/screen/viewport
Primary Object @50% Secondary Objectname
  • assertElementWidth

Description: This function will verify the width of an object with an user provided data.

Input Format :@Parameter


ObjectName Input Condition
Primary Object @Parameter


ObjectName Input Condition
ObjectName @50 px
  • assertElementHeight

Description: This function will verify the height of an object with an expected data.

Input Format : @Parameter


ObjectName Input Condition
Primary Object @Parameter


ObjectName Input Condition
PrimaryObjectName @50 px
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️