Meeting Minutes - CodingKen02/Group-10 GitHub Wiki

Meeting 1:

(2/3/2023 - Friday @5:30PM in Union)

Brief Summary

We discussed the project as a whole and divided up tasks.

Goals for the Meeting

  1. Assign tasks, and document them below.
  2. Determine what our Project is going to be based on (E-Commerce? If so, what are we selling? etc.)
  3. Make sure everyone is aware of how we're going to proceed with the GitHub and fulfilling the needs of the rubric.


Ander: Seller User Story #1, GitHub stuff, SRS 3

Ehren: Completing SRS 1, Admin User Story

Austin: Buyer User Story #1, SRS 2

Kennedy: Buyer User Story #2, SRS 2, Naming the site

Trey: Seller User Story #2, SRS 3

End of Meetings Notes:

  1. We're gonna make a E-Commerce site based off of selling/buying shoes
  2. We will be using a MySQL database for storing info about the shoes, and programming in C++
  3. Assigned User Stories and Tasks
  4. SRS 4 will be left to whoever gets done and wants to work on it.

Meeting 2:

(2/8/2023 - Wednesday @5:30PM on Voice Call/Discord)

Brief Summary

We discussed user stories, GitHub requirements, and formatting of document.

Goals for the Meeting

  1. Get everyone on board of what the TA has discussed during lab within our meeting.
  2. Understand how user stories should be formatted as well as the entire document.
  3. Handle the requirements for GitHub that everyone should contribute to. Will have to communicate through Discord for guidance.


Ander: GitHub stuff, SRS 3, User Stories

Ehren: Completing SRS 1 & partial of 4, Table of Contents, User Stories

Austin: SRS 2, User Stories

Kennedy: GitHub stuff, SRS 2, User Stories, Table of Contents

Trey: SRS 3, User Stories

End of Meetings Notes:

  1. Sellers are resellers not retailers, so individuals like me and you.
  2. We established we are using Python & JavaScript instead of C++.
  3. Finish any parts of the document as whole and reread information.
  4. GitHub requirements need to be accomplished.
  5. Submit SRS as a PDF by 11:59PM on Friday, Feb 10th.

Meeting 3:

(2/15/2023 - Wednesday @5:30PM on Voice Call/Discord)

Brief Summary

We discussed splitting up the user stories, what was announced in lab, and brief deadlines for Sprint 2 and 3.

Goals for the Meeting

  1. Assign user stories by a first come, first served basis for the diagrams.
  2. Determine what diagram site to use and fill in lab announcements for those who missed for valentines.
  3. Talk a little about Sprint 2 and 3 requirements and deadlines.


Ander: Login, Selling, Github Reqs/README, Add. Diagrams

Ehren: Admin Backlog, Admin Ban, Add. Diagrams

Austin: Buying, Searching, Add. Diagrams

Kennedy: Deleting Account, Admin Delete, Logout, Github Reqs/README, Add. Diagrams

Trey: Profile Customization, Return, Add. Diagrams

End of Meetings Notes:

  1. We're going to use ( for the creation of UML Diagrams and so on.
  2. We split the user stories so each person will have 2 unique stories to work with for UML State/Activity and Sequence Diagrams.
  3. We will work on the additional diagrams together or allow one another to accomplish the task.
  4. We plan to get these done soon so we can discuss Sprint 3 and make sure the requirements are met by March 3rd.
  5. Need issues to be assigned to each person (possible pull requests, updates to readme, milestones marked, etc. in spreadsheet)...

Meeting 4:

(2/22/2023 - Wednesday @5:30PM on Voice Call/Discord)

Brief Summary

We established use case vs UML diagrams and checked on another.

Goals for the Meeting

  1. Establish use case vs UML diagrams (use cases are user types; UML sequence/activity/state diagrams are user stories).
  2. Looking over any kind of diagram done by teammate.
  3. Mental checkup ;)


Ander: Login, Selling, Github Reqs/README, Use Case - Seller, (Any Additional Diagrams)

Ehren: Admin Backlog, Admin Ban, (Any Additional Diagrams)

Austin: Buying, Searching, (Any Additional Diagrams)

Kennedy: Deleting Account, Admin Delete, Logout, Github Reqs/README, (Any Additional Diagrams)

Trey: Profile Customization, Return, (Any Additional Diagrams)

End of Meetings Notes:

  1. ( for the creation of UML Diagrams and ( for some guidance.
  2. We established user types vs user stories and that we split them up.
  3. We prioritized to have requirement modeling diagrams done before lab on Tuesday (2/28).
  4. Need issues to be assigned to each person... currently class diagram and use cases.

Meeting 5:

(3/1/2023 - Wednesday @5:30PM via Discord Chat)

Brief Summary

We discussed what changes needed to be done for our diagrams and GitHub.

Goals for the Meeting

  1. Discuss notes about diagrams
  2. What additional diagrams are there to do
  3. Assign yourself to issues or close them with issue numbers (PNG file of diagram in Wiki Page)


Ander: Login, Selling, Github Reqs/README, Use Case - Seller, (Any Additional Diagrams)

Ehren: Admin Backlog, Admin Ban, Use Case - Admin, (Any Additional Diagrams)

Austin: Buying, Searching, Use Case - Buyer, (Any Additional Diagrams)

Kennedy: Deleting Account, Admin Delete, Logout, Github Reqs/README, (Any Additional Diagrams)

Trey: Profile Customization, Return, (Any Additional Diagrams)

End of Meetings Notes:

  1. Interface and Database only on Sequence Diagrams, instead of page titles and functions as headers
  2. Processing time for rectangles; idling for dashed lines (sequence)
  3. Beginning Login states for events that you have to be logged in to continue those actions
  4. Ask Austin for more help/notes since he discussed with TA
  5. Fix our diagrams, assign issues, and reorganize GitHub pages, next meeting will be overall diagrams to hopefully work on together

Meeting 6:

(3/8/2023 - Wednesday @11AM in Butler 102)

Brief Summary

We met with the professor to review our diagrams and user stories. Then met as a team for any updates.

Goals for the Meeting

  1. Take notes from what the professor has discussed
  2. Display diagrams for review
  3. After professor review, meet up to discuss anything else and updates


Ander: Login, Selling, Github Reqs/README, Use Case - Seller, (Any Additional Diagrams)

Ehren: Admin Backlog, Admin Ban, Use Case - Admin, Architectural Design Diagram

Austin: Buying, Searching, Use Case - Buyer, (Any Additional Diagrams)

Kennedy: Delete Account, Admin Delete, Logout, Github Reqs/README, UML Class Diagram

Trey: Profile Customization, Return, (Any Additional Diagrams)

End of Meetings Notes:

  1. Split up remaining diagrams
  2. Discuss with TA if diagrams are accurately laid out
  3. If deadline is extended, work on them during spring break. If not, do Thursday night please.

Meeting 7:

(3/15/2023 - Didn't meet due to break, but agreed to finish our work early after extension was released)

Meeting 8:

(3/22/2023 - Wednesday @5:30PM in Butler Study Lounge)

Brief Summary

We discussed the structure of our website and the grading rubric.

Goals for the Meeting

  1. Break down the website into roles for each person.
  2. Figure out how to use CircleCI and Git Clone.
  3. Figure out what certain tools and frameworks we were going to deal with so far.


Ander: Frontend (Python Flask, HTML/CSS, JS so far)

Ehren: Backend (MySQL, Python so far)

Austin: Backend (MySQL, Python so far)

Kennedy: Frontend (Python Flask, HTML/CSS, Web/Logo Design, JS so far)

Trey: FINISH Profile Customization & Return Diagrams for Sprint 2; then help Backend

End of Meetings Notes:

  1. Start researching the materials/resources needed for the website.
  2. Frontend: Start web designing through Canva or so (regarding the SRS as well).
  3. Add issues for each role eventually and starting positions for a nice/steady workflow.
  4. Group will have to agree on a logo or font for the designers to use.

Meeting 9:

(3/29/2023 - Wednesday @5:30PM on Discord Chat)

Brief Summary

We gave brief updates on what we have done or going to do this week/weekend.

Goals for the Meeting

  1. Discuss any errors or problems.
  2. Update teammates on what roles you want or will accomplish soon.
  3. Establish a stable Flask/Web application.


Ander: Frontend (Python Flask, HTML/CSS, JavaScript)

Ehren: Backend (MySQL, Python)

Austin: Backend (MySQL, Python)

Kennedy: Frontend (Python Flask, HTML/CSS, JavaScript)

Trey: Backend (MySQL, Python)

End of Meetings Notes:

  1. Finish building the Flask application basics for HTML/CSS, JS, images or functions, and the database.
  2. Start designing the website in code.
  3. Database tables and algorithms will be attempted.

Meeting Week:

(4/9-16/2023 - Butler Lounge, Discord Chat & Call)

Brief Summary

We gave updates and set up tasks for each other depending on the state of our website.

Goals for the Meeting

  1. Discuss any errors or problems.
  2. Update teammates on what roles you want or will accomplish soon.
  3. Establish a nice design of the website.
  4. Make sure functions work according to the SRS.


Ander: Circle CI, pytest files, login/register/logout, proof-editing, databases

Ehren: Databases, user account page functions, test plan doc, helping ander with testing/test cases

Austin: Listings, Payment, Cart (all of the correlating functions with them)

Kennedy: CSS (coding the website design), HTML forms and links, test plan doc, deployment, acceptance criteria, test cases, other github requirements

Trey: Test Plan document

End of Meetings Notes:

  1. Just make sure the website can function and is presentable.
  2. Finish test cases/document/pytests files etc.
  3. Try to deploy and do demo video for submission as well.
  4. Get extra github requirements done.

Meeting Week:

(4/19-5/3/2023 - Class/Lab, Discord Chat)

Brief Summary

We gave updates and set up tasks for each other depending on the state of our website and the finals.

Goals for the Meeting

  1. Discuss days willing to dedicate to project.
  2. Update teammates on what roles you want or will accomplish soon.
  3. Make sure functions work according to the SRS.


Ander: Circle CI/Test files, Admin functions, Project Release Document

Ehren: Circle CI/Test files, User Account Functions, Project Release Document

Austin: Payment (fix error), Cart Feature (and all of the correlated buying functions), Project Release Document

Kennedy: Selling Functions (make a listing), Search Function, CSS (coding the website design), HTML forms and links, Project Release Document, deployment, Test Cases, other github requirements

Trey: Project Release Document, optional: update search function for more search fields...

End of Meetings Notes:

  1. Just make sure the website can function (all functions) and is presentable.
  2. Finish pytests files and take a screenshot of CircleCI.
  3. Try to deploy and do demo video for submission as well.
  4. Finish Project Release Doc.