Meeting Minutes - CodingKen02/Group-10 GitHub Wiki
Meeting 1:
(2/3/2023 - Friday @5:30PM in Union)
Brief Summary
We discussed the project as a whole and divided up tasks.
Goals for the Meeting
- Assign tasks, and document them below.
- Determine what our Project is going to be based on (E-Commerce? If so, what are we selling? etc.)
- Make sure everyone is aware of how we're going to proceed with the GitHub and fulfilling the needs of the rubric.
Ander: Seller User Story #1, GitHub stuff, SRS 3
Ehren: Completing SRS 1, Admin User Story
Austin: Buyer User Story #1, SRS 2
Kennedy: Buyer User Story #2, SRS 2, Naming the site
Trey: Seller User Story #2, SRS 3
End of Meetings Notes:
- We're gonna make a E-Commerce site based off of selling/buying shoes
- We will be using a MySQL database for storing info about the shoes, and programming in C++
- Assigned User Stories and Tasks
- SRS 4 will be left to whoever gets done and wants to work on it.
Meeting 2:
(2/8/2023 - Wednesday @5:30PM on Voice Call/Discord)
Brief Summary
We discussed user stories, GitHub requirements, and formatting of document.
Goals for the Meeting
- Get everyone on board of what the TA has discussed during lab within our meeting.
- Understand how user stories should be formatted as well as the entire document.
- Handle the requirements for GitHub that everyone should contribute to. Will have to communicate through Discord for guidance.
Ander: GitHub stuff, SRS 3, User Stories
Ehren: Completing SRS 1 & partial of 4, Table of Contents, User Stories
Austin: SRS 2, User Stories
Kennedy: GitHub stuff, SRS 2, User Stories, Table of Contents
Trey: SRS 3, User Stories
End of Meetings Notes:
- Sellers are resellers not retailers, so individuals like me and you.
- We established we are using Python & JavaScript instead of C++.
- Finish any parts of the document as whole and reread information.
- GitHub requirements need to be accomplished.
- Submit SRS as a PDF by 11:59PM on Friday, Feb 10th.
Meeting 3:
(2/15/2023 - Wednesday @5:30PM on Voice Call/Discord)
Brief Summary
We discussed splitting up the user stories, what was announced in lab, and brief deadlines for Sprint 2 and 3.
Goals for the Meeting
- Assign user stories by a first come, first served basis for the diagrams.
- Determine what diagram site to use and fill in lab announcements for those who missed for valentines.
- Talk a little about Sprint 2 and 3 requirements and deadlines.
Ander: Login, Selling, Github Reqs/README, Add. Diagrams
Ehren: Admin Backlog, Admin Ban, Add. Diagrams
Austin: Buying, Searching, Add. Diagrams
Kennedy: Deleting Account, Admin Delete, Logout, Github Reqs/README, Add. Diagrams
Trey: Profile Customization, Return, Add. Diagrams
End of Meetings Notes:
- We're going to use ( for the creation of UML Diagrams and so on.
- We split the user stories so each person will have 2 unique stories to work with for UML State/Activity and Sequence Diagrams.
- We will work on the additional diagrams together or allow one another to accomplish the task.
- We plan to get these done soon so we can discuss Sprint 3 and make sure the requirements are met by March 3rd.
- Need issues to be assigned to each person (possible pull requests, updates to readme, milestones marked, etc. in spreadsheet)...
Meeting 4:
(2/22/2023 - Wednesday @5:30PM on Voice Call/Discord)
Brief Summary
We established use case vs UML diagrams and checked on another.
Goals for the Meeting
- Establish use case vs UML diagrams (use cases are user types; UML sequence/activity/state diagrams are user stories).
- Looking over any kind of diagram done by teammate.
- Mental checkup ;)
Ander: Login, Selling, Github Reqs/README, Use Case - Seller, (Any Additional Diagrams)
Ehren: Admin Backlog, Admin Ban, (Any Additional Diagrams)
Austin: Buying, Searching, (Any Additional Diagrams)
Kennedy: Deleting Account, Admin Delete, Logout, Github Reqs/README, (Any Additional Diagrams)
Trey: Profile Customization, Return, (Any Additional Diagrams)
End of Meetings Notes:
- ( for the creation of UML Diagrams and ( for some guidance.
- We established user types vs user stories and that we split them up.
- We prioritized to have requirement modeling diagrams done before lab on Tuesday (2/28).
- Need issues to be assigned to each person... currently class diagram and use cases.
Meeting 5:
(3/1/2023 - Wednesday @5:30PM via Discord Chat)
Brief Summary
We discussed what changes needed to be done for our diagrams and GitHub.
Goals for the Meeting
- Discuss notes about diagrams
- What additional diagrams are there to do
- Assign yourself to issues or close them with issue numbers (PNG file of diagram in Wiki Page)
Ander: Login, Selling, Github Reqs/README, Use Case - Seller, (Any Additional Diagrams)
Ehren: Admin Backlog, Admin Ban, Use Case - Admin, (Any Additional Diagrams)
Austin: Buying, Searching, Use Case - Buyer, (Any Additional Diagrams)
Kennedy: Deleting Account, Admin Delete, Logout, Github Reqs/README, (Any Additional Diagrams)
Trey: Profile Customization, Return, (Any Additional Diagrams)
End of Meetings Notes:
- Interface and Database only on Sequence Diagrams, instead of page titles and functions as headers
- Processing time for rectangles; idling for dashed lines (sequence)
- Beginning Login states for events that you have to be logged in to continue those actions
- Ask Austin for more help/notes since he discussed with TA
- Fix our diagrams, assign issues, and reorganize GitHub pages, next meeting will be overall diagrams to hopefully work on together
Meeting 6:
(3/8/2023 - Wednesday @11AM in Butler 102)
Brief Summary
We met with the professor to review our diagrams and user stories. Then met as a team for any updates.
Goals for the Meeting
- Take notes from what the professor has discussed
- Display diagrams for review
- After professor review, meet up to discuss anything else and updates
Ander: Login, Selling, Github Reqs/README, Use Case - Seller, (Any Additional Diagrams)
Ehren: Admin Backlog, Admin Ban, Use Case - Admin, Architectural Design Diagram
Austin: Buying, Searching, Use Case - Buyer, (Any Additional Diagrams)
Kennedy: Delete Account, Admin Delete, Logout, Github Reqs/README, UML Class Diagram
Trey: Profile Customization, Return, (Any Additional Diagrams)
End of Meetings Notes:
- Split up remaining diagrams
- Discuss with TA if diagrams are accurately laid out
- If deadline is extended, work on them during spring break. If not, do Thursday night please.
Meeting 7:
(3/15/2023 - Didn't meet due to break, but agreed to finish our work early after extension was released)
Meeting 8:
(3/22/2023 - Wednesday @5:30PM in Butler Study Lounge)
Brief Summary
We discussed the structure of our website and the grading rubric.
Goals for the Meeting
- Break down the website into roles for each person.
- Figure out how to use CircleCI and Git Clone.
- Figure out what certain tools and frameworks we were going to deal with so far.
Ander: Frontend (Python Flask, HTML/CSS, JS so far)
Ehren: Backend (MySQL, Python so far)
Austin: Backend (MySQL, Python so far)
Kennedy: Frontend (Python Flask, HTML/CSS, Web/Logo Design, JS so far)
Trey: FINISH Profile Customization & Return Diagrams for Sprint 2; then help Backend
End of Meetings Notes:
- Start researching the materials/resources needed for the website.
- Frontend: Start web designing through Canva or so (regarding the SRS as well).
- Add issues for each role eventually and starting positions for a nice/steady workflow.
- Group will have to agree on a logo or font for the designers to use.
Meeting 9:
(3/29/2023 - Wednesday @5:30PM on Discord Chat)
Brief Summary
We gave brief updates on what we have done or going to do this week/weekend.
Goals for the Meeting
- Discuss any errors or problems.
- Update teammates on what roles you want or will accomplish soon.
- Establish a stable Flask/Web application.
Ander: Frontend (Python Flask, HTML/CSS, JavaScript)
Ehren: Backend (MySQL, Python)
Austin: Backend (MySQL, Python)
Kennedy: Frontend (Python Flask, HTML/CSS, JavaScript)
Trey: Backend (MySQL, Python)
End of Meetings Notes:
- Finish building the Flask application basics for HTML/CSS, JS, images or functions, and the database.
- Start designing the website in code.
- Database tables and algorithms will be attempted.
Meeting Week:
(4/9-16/2023 - Butler Lounge, Discord Chat & Call)
Brief Summary
We gave updates and set up tasks for each other depending on the state of our website.
Goals for the Meeting
- Discuss any errors or problems.
- Update teammates on what roles you want or will accomplish soon.
- Establish a nice design of the website.
- Make sure functions work according to the SRS.
Ander: Circle CI, pytest files, login/register/logout, proof-editing, databases
Ehren: Databases, user account page functions, test plan doc, helping ander with testing/test cases
Austin: Listings, Payment, Cart (all of the correlating functions with them)
Kennedy: CSS (coding the website design), HTML forms and links, test plan doc, deployment, acceptance criteria, test cases, other github requirements
Trey: Test Plan document
End of Meetings Notes:
- Just make sure the website can function and is presentable.
- Finish test cases/document/pytests files etc.
- Try to deploy and do demo video for submission as well.
- Get extra github requirements done.
Meeting Week:
(4/19-5/3/2023 - Class/Lab, Discord Chat)
Brief Summary
We gave updates and set up tasks for each other depending on the state of our website and the finals.
Goals for the Meeting
- Discuss days willing to dedicate to project.
- Update teammates on what roles you want or will accomplish soon.
- Make sure functions work according to the SRS.
Ander: Circle CI/Test files, Admin functions, Project Release Document
Ehren: Circle CI/Test files, User Account Functions, Project Release Document
Austin: Payment (fix error), Cart Feature (and all of the correlated buying functions), Project Release Document
Kennedy: Selling Functions (make a listing), Search Function, CSS (coding the website design), HTML forms and links, Project Release Document, deployment, Test Cases, other github requirements
Trey: Project Release Document, optional: update search function for more search fields...
End of Meetings Notes:
- Just make sure the website can function (all functions) and is presentable.
- Finish pytests files and take a screenshot of CircleCI.
- Try to deploy and do demo video for submission as well.
- Finish Project Release Doc.