Tutorial: Tilemaps - CodingDino/Dino-Unity-Toolkit GitHub Wiki
This tutorial will walk you through how to create a Tile Palette, create and paint a Tilemap, how to add collision to your Tilemap, and how to add multiple layers of Tilemaps. You will need to know how to import and work with image files, so complete the Tutorial: Sprites first.
We will be using the same assets from the Tutorial: Sprites - the Simplified Platformer Pack from the asset website Kenney Assets (www.kenney.nl). Make sure you have these downloaded and imported before beginning.
Create the Tile Palette
To create a Tile Palette, you need to open the Tile Palette window. Find it in Window > 2D > Tile Palette.
Create the Tilemap
Painting Tiles
Adding Collision
Multiple Layers
What NOT to use Tilemap for
The Tilemap is great for static objects backgrounds, platforms, walls, and even foreground elements. However, it isn't suitable for things like coins, doors, moving platforms, and other objects where you want to easily move, destroy, or determine which object was touched. Additionally, if you want to have destructable terrain (bricks in breakout, blocks destroyed when Mario hits his head on them, blocks in a Minecraft like game) this takes a bit more work and is outside the scope of this guide.