Installing Software - CodewareGames/UnrealGameSync GitHub Wiki

Installing Software

Required Software

  • MySql Server [Optional]
  • MySql Workbench [Optional]
  • Perforce (Helix Core)

MySql Server [Optional]

  1. Download the newest version of the MySql installer:
  2. In the Configuration Steps Select Config Type: Server Computer (Sharing Resources with Other Applications like Perforce or IIS)
  3. Authentication Method: Use Strong Password Encryption and enter a strong password for your root account, (keep this safe we are going to need it later).


MySql Workbench [Optional]

  1. Open Mysql Installer by searching in your Start Menu.


  1. Click on Add.
  2. Select MySql Workbench x.x.xx under Applications->MySQL Workbench->MySQL Workbench x.x (use latest version).
  3. Click on the Green Arrow to add it to the installation list, and finish installation.


Perforce (Helix Core)

  1. Download the newest version of Helix Core:
  2. Follow this tutorial on how to install the Helix Core Server & Client. How to Install Your Helix Core Server & Client on Windows 10