Creating Workspaces - CodewareGames/UnrealGameSync GitHub Wiki

Creating Workspaces

Local Depot

  1. Open P4V
  2. On the top bar click on Connection->New Workspace
  3. Set the prefered directory where you want to files to be saved and located under Workspace Root.
  4. Click on Advanced and set the following options, this is important otherwise you will run into errors.


Stream Depot

  1. Open P4V
  2. On the top bar click on Connection->New Workspace
  3. Set the prefered directory where you want to files to be saved and located under Workspace Root (Keep in mind this per Stream, so you might have to create a subdirectory like Epic to submit the Unreal Engine Source).
  4. Click on Browse under Stream and select the stream you want to use.


  1. Click on Advanced and set the following options, this is important otherwise you will run into errors.
