Configuring Perforce - CodewareGames/UnrealGameSync GitHub Wiki

Configuring Perforce

Recommended Server Settings

The following server settings are recommended but not required for UnrealGameSync

Set Password Security Level

  1. Open P4Admin.
  2. Login into your server using the SuperUser account.
  3. On the top menu bar go to Administration->Password Security Level... and select 3 (ticket-based authentication required) and press OK.


Set Server Configurations.

  1. Open P4V
  2. Login as the SuperUser Account. (Do Not Create A Workspace. leave it as default (optional))
  3. On the top menu bar go to Connection->Enviroment Settings make sure it's set to the SuperUser account and press OK.
  4. Open CMD (Command Prompt) and enter the following commands.

Disable Public User Account Creation

p4 configure set dm.user.noautocreate=2

If everything was set correctly you should get: For server 'any', configuration variable 'dm.user.noautocreate' set to '2'

Disable Unauthorized Viewing Of Perforce User List

p4 configure set run.users.authorize=1

If everything was set correctly you should get: For server 'any', configuration variable 'run.users.authorize' set to '1'

Disable Unauthorized Viewing Of Perforce Config Settings

p4 configure set dm.keys.hide=2

If everything was set correctly you should get: For server 'any', configuration variable 'dm.keys.hide' set to '2'

If all commands were successful you can close CMD (Command Prompt) and P4V.

Configuring Type Map

In order for Perforce to handle the Unreal Engine Source code correctly, we have to tell it how to handle its files using a typemap.

  1. Open P4V
  2. Login as the SuperUser Account. (Do Not Create A Workspace. leave it as default (optional))
  3. On the top menu bar go to Connection->Enviroment Settings make sure it's set to the SuperUser account and press OK.
  4. Open CMD (Command Prompt)
  5. Type: p4 typemap and press enter.
  6. It will open a notepad file.
  7. Copy the text below and paste it into the notepad file.
# Perforce File Type Mapping Specifications.
#  TypeMap:	a list of filetype mappings; one per line.
#		Each line has two elements:
#  		Filetype: The filetype to use on 'p4 add'.
#  		Path:     File pattern which will use this filetype.
# See 'p4 help typemap' for more information.

	binary+w //....exe
	binary+w //....dll
	binary+w //....lib
	binary+w //
	binary+w //....dylib
	binary+w //....stub
	binary+w //....ipa
	binary+Sw //....pdb
	text+w //....DotSettings
	text+w //....modules
	text+w //
	text+w //....version
	text //....ini
	text //....config
	text //....cpp
	text //....h
	text //....c
	text //....cs
	text //....m
	text //
	text //
	text //....json
	binary+l //....uasset
	binary+l //....umap
	binary+l //....upk
	binary+l //....udk
	binary+l //....ubulk
	binary+l //....bmp
	binary+l //....fbx
	binary+l //....mp4
	binary+l //....png
	binary+l //....svg
	binary+l //....uasset
	binary+l //....umap
	binary+l //....wmv
  1. Save and Close.
  2. You should see the following message in the CMD (Command Prompt) window: Typemap saved.