PlayState - CodenameCrew/YoshiCrafterEngine GitHub Wiki

In each script file, the game's current PlayState can be accessed via the PlayState and the PlayState_ variable.

This page shows every method and variables that can be used in PlayState, and it's uses.

Important variables/methods

song:SwagSong - (PlayState)

Current song JSON. Can be messed with.

Example usage:

// Changes the key amount to 4 = 4;

dads:Array<Character> - (PlayState)

List of current singing dads.

Example usage:

var d = new Character( + 300,, "Friday Night Funkin':dad");

boyfriends:Array<Character> - (PlayState)

List of current singing boyfriends.

Example usage:

var b = new Boyfriend(PlayState.boyfriend.x + 300, PlayState.boyfriend.y, "Friday Night Funkin':bf");

gf:Character - (PlayState)

Girlfriend sprite

Example usage:

// Moves GF by 300 pixels to the right. += 300;

dad:Character - (PlayState)

First dad in the dads array.

notes:FlxTypedGroup<Note> - (PlayState)

FlxTypedGroup of all the note sprites.

camFollow:FlxObject - (PlayState)

Camera's target

Example usage:

function update(elapsed) {
    // Focuses camera on Girlfriend
    PlayState.camFollow.x =;
    PlayState.camFollow.y =;

defaultCamZoom:Float - (PlayState)

Default camera zoom

Example usage:

function create() {
    PlayState.defaultCamZoom = 0.5;

autoCamZooming:Bool - (PlayState)

If true, enables automatic camera zooming every 4 beats. Defaults to true

camZooming:Bool - (PlayState)

If true, enables automatic camera zoom management Defaults to true


isStoryMode:Bool - (PlayState_)

Whenever the game is in Story Mode (true) or in Freeplay (false).

Example usage:

if (PlayState_.isStoryMode) {
    // Story Mode
} else {
    // Freeplay

songMod:String - (PlayState_)

Song's mod (ex : Friday Night Funkin')

storyPlaylist:Array<String> - (PlayState_)

Remaining songs in the current week. Can be messed with to put custom secret songs.

Example usage:

// Adds Bopeebo in the current week

actualModWeek:FNFWeek - (PlayState_)

Current Story Menu week.

Example usage:

// Traces the current week's name

validScore:Bool - (PlayState)

Whenever the score will be validated

vocals:FlxSound - (PlayState)

Current vocals

Example usage:

// Mutes the vocals
PlayState.vocals.volume = 0;

songPercentPos:Float - (PlayState)

Song position in percentage (0 to 1)

cpuStrums:FlxTypedGroup<FlxSprite> - (PlayState)

FlxTypedGroup of the CPU's Static Strums

Example usage:

function update(elapsed) {
    // Inverts the Player's Strums with the CPU's ones
    for (i in 0...PlayState.playerStrums.length) {
        var cpuStrumX = PlayState.cpuStrums.members[i].x;
        PlayState.cpuStrums.members[i].x = PlayState.playerStrums.members[i].x;
        PlayState.playerStrums.members[i].x = cpuStrumX;

gfSpeed:Int - (PlayState)

Girlfriend's dancing speed

health:Float - (PlayState)

Player's health (ranges from 0 to maxHealth)

Example usages:

// Kills BF = 0;
// Puts the health to the max = 2;

maxHealth:Float - (PlayState)

Player's maximum health (defaults to 2). Setting it to 0 or lower will enable OHKO (not a darkviperau reference)

Example usages:

    Hello and welcome to what is hopefully
    my final attempt at completing Friday
    Night Funkin' without taking any damage.
    I have a max HP of 1 so any damage from
    an source will immediatly kill me. I also
    want this to be a no hit run, so Boyfriend's
    ability to restore health is disabled. I have
    successfully completed every Friday Night Funkin'
    songs without taking any damage. I just yet have
    to do it in one go. My current personal best is
    1 shit rating and therefore 1 blueball.
// Enables OHKO = 0;
// Sets BF's maximum health to 0.75, making health draining and gaining faster (like it used to be) = 0.75;

tapMissHealth:Float - (PlayState)

Player's health that'll be lost if he randomly taps while ghost tapping is off.

Example usages:

// Instant kill when random tap
PlayState.tapMissHealth = 3;

combo:Int - (PlayState)

Current combo

healthBarBG:FlxSprite - (PlayState)

Health Bar Background

healthBar:FlxBar - (PlayState)

Health Bar

iconP1:HealthIcon - (PlayState)

Player 1's icon

iconP2:HealthIcon - (PlayState)

Player 1's icon

camHUD:FlxCamera - (PlayState)

HUD's camera.

Example Usage:

var guiThing = new FlxSprite(0, 360);
guiThing.cameras = [PlayState.camHUD];

songScore:Int - (PlayState)

Player's score

scoreTxt:FlxText - (PlayState)

Score text object at the bottom of the screen.

campaignScore:Int - (PlayState_)

Week score

misses:Int - (PlayState)

Player's misses count

isWidescreen:Bool - (PlayState)

Whenever the game is in Widescreen or not.

Example Usage:

PlayState.isWidescreen = true;

msScoreLabel:FlxText - (PlayState)

Label above the player's strums showing the milliseconds delay between the press and the note's strum time.

Example Usage:

PlayState.isWidescreen = true;

engineSettings:Dynamic - (PlayState)

Engine's current settings. Can be modified.

Can be accessed via the EngineSettings variable.

Example Usage:

// Forces usage of downscroll
EngineSettings.downscroll = true;

function create() {

modchart:Interp - (PlayState_)

Modchart's HScript Interpreter.

stage:Interp - (PlayState_)

Stage's HScript Interpreter.

cutscene:Interp - (PlayState_)

Cutscene's HScript Interpreter.

noteScripts:Array<Interp> - (PlayState)

Array of Note Types HScript interpreters.

timerBG:FlxSprite - (PlayState)

Timer's Gray Background

timerBar:FlxBar - (PlayState)

Timer's Bar


showKeys():Void - (PlayState)

Shows the keys below the player's strums.

Does not work in Botplay.

Example Usage:


setDownscroll(downscroll:Bool, autoPos:Bool):Void - (PlayState)

Added via the request of jayden8923

Example Usage:

// Enables downscroll and change the strums' positions automatically
PlayState.setDownscroll(true, true);

startCountdown():Void - (PlayState)

Starts the countdown. Can only be used in Cutscenes HScripts using startCountdown();

Example Usage:


resyncVocals():Void - (PlayState)

Syncs the vocals with the instrumental.

endSong():Void - (PlayState)

Ends the song

endSong2():Void - (PlayState)

Switches to the next song or goes back to the Freeplay menu. Used by ending cutscenes as end(). Do not use since it doesn't save the player's score.

popUpScore(strumTime:Float):Void - (PlayState)

Creates a rating based on the difference between strumTime and Conductor.songPosition.

noteMiss():Void - (PlayState)

Misses a note.

goodNoteHit(note:Note):Void - (PlayState)

Hits a note

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