Edit a Character (Character Editor) - CodenameCrew/YoshiCrafterEngine GitHub Wiki
To edit a character / open the Character Editor, go to the Toolbox -> Characters tab, select your Character in the list, then click on edit.
Once you open the Character Editor, you'll end up on this screen.
- Animation List
- Click this button to add an animation (Check Character Animations)
- Click this button to remove the selected animation (Check Character Animations)
- Click this button to add a shadow of the current animation to use it as a base for offsets. (Check Character Animations)
- Check this to edit the Character as a player (at the right of the stage)
- Check this to show Daddy Dearest and Boyfriend's shadows, useful for global offset.
- Click this button to save the Character.
- Click this button to exit the Character editor (WARNING: You won't be prompted on if you wanna save the Character's modifications or not)
- Check Animation Settings
- Check Note Colors
- Check Character Settings
- Check Health bar settings
- Camera target position
You can use the arrow keys to move around the camera.