Creating your first mod - CodenameCrew/YoshiCrafterEngine GitHub Wiki

After you selected the Toolbox on the main menu, this screen will appear:

Toolbox Home

Click on the "Create a new mod" button, and you should be greeted with this wizard:

New mod wizard

Window Titlebar

  1. Self-explanatory. The mod name will be shown in the "Mods" menu, and in the toolbox.
  2. The description of your mod. It'll be shown in the "Mods" menu next to the logo. Describe your mod here.
  3. The text that'll be shown on the game's title bar once you play your mod.
  4. The small icon that is shown on the mod's title bar and taskbar icon.
  5. Click on this button to browse for a title bar icon. It'll be saved as icon.png in the mod folder
  6. Mod's icon. It'll be shown in the "Mods" menu.
  7. Click on this button to browse for a mod icon. Like the title bar icon, it'll be saved as modIcon.png in the mod folder.
  8. Click on this button to test out your title bar. The window's title and icon will be replaced by your mod's title bar text and icon.
  9. Click on this button to finalize the mod's creation.

Once you saved your mod, you'll be thrown back at the main menu, where your newly fresh mod will be selected.


Click "Edit mod..." to start editing it.