Create a Character - CodenameCrew/YoshiCrafterEngine GitHub Wiki

On the Toolbox Home, select the "Characters" tab and click on "Create". Once you did it, this window will popup.


  1. Self-explanatory. Even if it doesn't seem like it'd cause any damage, we recommend using character names with dashes like the base game does. Ex : ben-normal.
  2. Character Icon. It's an icon grid with a size of 150x150 for each icon. We recommend 2 icons, but you can go with 1 or 3 (if you want a winning icon). Grids with more than 3 icons will require additional setup in Character.hx.
  3. Press this button to browse for a Character icon.
  4. Character Spritesheet. It's a Sparrow Spritesheet, so it needs a png and a xml file. To create one from animate, select the animations you want to export, then choose "Export Spritesheet". The data type must be "Sparrow v2" or "Starling" (untested).
  5. Press this button to browse for a spritesheet
  6. Finally, click on this button to create your character.

Your new Character will be available in the Character list. You can select it and edit it using the Character Editor.