Character.hx - CodenameCrew/YoshiCrafterEngine GitHub Wiki

In each mod, every characters are located under /mods/(Your Mod)/characters/. Each character is represented by a folder, which contains these files :

  • Character.hx (Character script)
  • icon.png (Character Icon File, Grid of 150x150 icons)
  • spritesheet.png (Character's Spritesheet)
  • spritesheet.xml (Character's Sparrow XML)

Character.hx - Documentation


Fired during the character initialisation.

Available variables :

  • character:Character - The character's FlxSprite.
  • curCharacter:String - The character's name (ex : Friday Night Funkin':bf)
  • Every other default variables

Example usage :

function create() {
    //Loads Daddy Dearest's spritesheet
    character.frames = Paths.getCharacter("Friday Night Funkin':dad");

    // Configures default animations
    character.animation.addByPrefix('idle', 'Dad idle dance', 24, false);
    character.animation.addByPrefix('singUP', 'Dad Sing Note UP', 24);
    character.animation.addByPrefix('singRIGHT', 'Dad Sing Note RIGHT', 24);
    character.animation.addByPrefix('singDOWN', 'Dad Sing Note DOWN', 24);
    character.animation.addByPrefix('singLEFT', 'Dad Sing Note LEFT', 24);

    // Configure offests
    character.addOffset("singUP", -6, 50);
    character.addOffset("singRIGHT", 0, 27);
    character.addOffset("singLEFT", -10, 10);
    character.addOffset("singDOWN", 0, -30);

    // Makes Daddy Dearest do his first animation.;


This function is fired whenever is fired. Handles your character's dancing animations.

Defaults to :

function dance() {

Available variables :

  • character:Character - The character's FlxSprite.
  • curCharacter:String - The character's name (ex : Friday Night Funkin':bf)
  • Every other default variables

Example usage :

// If the spooky kids did the danceRight animation
danced = false; 

function dance() {
    // Checks if the spooky kids did the danceRight animation
    if (danced) 
        // Plays the danceLeft animation
        // Plays the danceRight animation

    // Inverts the danced variable (true -> false or false -> true) so that the other dancing animation will be played.
    danced = !danced;


This function is fired every frame.

Defaults to :

function dance(elapsed) {
    // Do nothing

Available variables :

  • elapsed:Float (function parameter) - The amount of time between this frame and the last one in seconds.
  • character:Character - The character's FlxSprite.
  • curCharacter:String - The character's name (ex : Friday Night Funkin':bf)
  • Every other default variables

Example usage :

// This code will make your character levitate.

// Original character Y position
var ogY:Null<Int> = null;

// Angle of levitation (in radians)
var levitatingVariable = 0;
function update(elapsed:Float) {
    // Updates the variable by adding 180° per second.
    levitatingVariable += (elapsed * Math.PI);

    // If the original Y position is null, set it to the character's actual Y position.
    if (ogY == null) ogY = character.y;
    // Sets the character's Y position
    character.y = ogY - 200 + (Math.sin(levitatingVariable) * 100);
    // Set the character's angle.
    character.angle = Math.sin(levitatingVariable / 4) * 10;


This function is fired everytime the character will play an animation using character.playAnim(animName);

Defaults to :

function onAnim(animName:String) {
    // Do nothing

Available variables :

  • animName:String (function parameter) - The amount of time between this frame and the last one in seconds.
  • character:Character - The character's FlxSprite.
  • curCharacter:String - The character's name (ex : Friday Night Funkin':bf)
  • Every other default variables

Example usage :

function onAnim(animName:String) {
    // Checks if the animation name is "idle".
    if (animName == "idle") {
        // Switches character's color to white
        character.color = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    } else {
        // Switches character's color to red
        character.color = 0xFF880000;


This function is called whenever the engine needs your character's arrow colors or your character's health bar color.

Returns an Array<Int> which contains :

  • The health bar color as the first element (0)
  • The note colors

Defaults to:

function getColors(altAnim:Bool) {
    return [
        // Returns the green color if the character is the player, or else returns the red color.
        (character.isPlayer ? 0xFF66FF33 : 0xFFFF0000),

        // Returns the player's arrow colors.

Available variables :

  • altAnim:Bool (function parameter) - Whenever the note is using an alt animation.
  • character:Character - The character's FlxSprite.
  • curCharacter:String - The character's name (ex : Friday Night Funkin':bf)
  • Every other default variables

Example Usage :

function getColors(altAnim:Bool) {
    return [
        // Skid & Pump's health bar color

        // Skid & Pump's arrow colors
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