Animation Selector - CodenameCrew/YoshiCrafterEngine GitHub Wiki

Animation Tools

  1. Selected Animation.
  2. List of animations.
  3. Add an animation. When clicked, will open the Add an animation Dialogue.
  4. Removes the current animation.
  5. Sets the current animation as a shadow reference, useful for offsets.

Add an animation

When the Add button is clicked, the "Add an animation" dialogue will open.

Add an animation dialogue box

  1. Animation name: The animation name you'll, for example, put in character.playAnim();.

    Required animations :

    • idle or danceLeft + danceRight
    • singUP
    • singDOWN
    • singLEFT
    • singRIGHT
  2. Animation name on Sparrow XML: The animation name on the Adobe Animate project, or in the spritesheet XML file

  3. Click this button to add the animation

  4. Click this button to paste the Sparrow animation name in the text box. Useful if the animation name is too long or contains characters that cannot be entered manually.