Installation - CodeCrafter47/BungeeTabListPlus GitHub Wiki
System Requirements
BungeeCord build 995 or newer
Minecraft 1.8 or newer works out of the box.
To use older Minecraft versions you can use one of the following solutions:
- Travertine or a similar BungeeCord fork.
- ViaVersion with ViaBackwards and ViaRewind (on BungeeCord).
- ProtocolSupportBungee.
Please be aware of possible downsides when using Clients with versions older than 1.8
Java 8
Download from the spigotmc website. You will need the files contained in the zip file for the following steps.
Install BungeeTabListPlus.jar on your BungeeCord server.
If you have multiple BungeeCord servers connected using RedisBungee install the plugin on all BungeeCord servers.
Optional but Recommended: Install BungeeTabListPlus_BukkitBridge.jar on all your Spigot and Bukkit servers.
This step is required for most placeholders to work. Also things like VanishNoPacket support will not work without this.