Week 03 Ruby Part 1 - Code-the-Dream-School/rails-guidebook GitHub Wiki

Week Topic Learning Objectives Key Resources
3 Ruby Part 1
  • Introduction to Ruby for students who know JavaScript
  • Learn the basic syntax of a ruby program
  • Understand how Ruby differs from JavaScript
  • Ruby implementation variables, comments, functions
  • Learn to write basic Ruby programs
  • Understand Ruby symbols and hashes
  • Know where to find Ruby references
Lesson Materials

Coding Assignment


This series of three lessons will bring JavaScript developers up to speed on Ruby, focusing on the differences and unique features of Ruby as compared to JavaScript.

  • Ruby Syntax Basics
    • Ruby is genuinely object-oriented.
    • Ruby supports multithreading, unlike JavaScript.
    • Differences in variable declaration and naming conventions.
    • Using puts and print for output, gets and gets.chomp for input.
    • String interpolation with #{} within double quotes.
    • Comments start with #.
  • First Ruby Program
    • Writing a simple Ruby script.
    • Error handling and method calls.
    • Understanding method chaining.
  • Ruby Symbols and Hashes
    • Symbols as lightweight, immutable strings.
    • Creating and manipulating hashes.
    • Understanding Ruby's object-oriented nature.
    • Using irb (Interactive Ruby) to explore Ruby classes and methods.
  • Percent Notation
    • Creating arrays and strings using percent notation.
    • Advantages of percent notation for readability and convenience.
    • Experimenting with percent notation in irb.

Assignment Rubric

Program: second.rb

# Initialize an empty hash for the person
person = {}

# Prompt for and collect first name
puts "Enter your first name:"
person[:first_name] = gets.chomp

# Prompt for and collect last name
puts "Enter your last name:"
person[:last_name] = gets.chomp

# Prompt for and collect age
puts "Enter your age:"
person[:age] = gets.chomp.to_i

# Prompt for and collect street address
puts "Enter your street address:"
person[:street_address] = gets.chomp

# Prompt for and collect city
puts "Enter your city:"
person[:city] = gets.chomp

# Prompt for and collect state
puts "Enter your state:"
person[:state] = gets.chomp

# Output the hash
puts "Hash content:"
puts person

# Output the keys of the hash
puts "Keys:"
puts person.keys

# Output the values of the hash
puts "Values:"
puts person.values

# Capitalize the first name, last name, and city
person[:first_name] = person[:first_name].capitalize
person[:last_name] = person[:last_name].capitalize
person[:city] = person[:city].capitalize

# Change the state to upper case
person[:state] = person[:state].upcase

# Output the modified hash
puts "Modified hash content:"
puts person

Program: find_number.rb

def play_game
  secret_number = rand(1..100)
  puts "I have generated a random number between 1 and 100. Try to guess it!"

  loop do
    puts "Enter your guess:"
    guess = gets.chomp.to_i

    if guess == 0
      puts "Invalid guess. Please enter a number."
    elsif guess < secret_number
      puts "Your guess is too low."
    elsif guess > secret_number
      puts "Your guess is too high."
      puts "Congratulations! You guessed the correct number."

  puts "Do you want to play again? (yes/no)"
  response = gets.chomp.downcase
  if response == "yes"
    puts "Thank you for playing!"


Program: guesser.rb

def play_game
  low = 1
  high = 100
  puts "Think of a number between 1 and 100, and I'll try to guess it."

  loop do
    guess = (low + high) / 2
    puts "Is your number #{guess}? (too low/too high/correct)"
    response = gets.chomp.downcase

    case response
    when "too low"
      low = guess + 1
    when "too high"
      high = guess - 1
    when "correct"
      puts "I guessed it! Your number is #{guess}."
      puts "Invalid response. Please reply with 'too low', 'too high', or 'correct'."

    if low > high
      puts "It seems like there might be a mistake. Are you sure you were being honest? Let's start over."

  puts "Do you want to play again? (yes/no)"
  response = gets.chomp.downcase
  if response == "yes"
    puts "Thank you for playing!"

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