AI‐13 - Code-the-Dream-School/intro-to-programming-2025 GitHub Wiki

On the index.js file:

  1. Using the Fetch API, create a "GET" request to{GITHUB_USERNAME}/repos where {GITHUB_USERNAME} is your username for your GitHub account.
  2. Chain a then method to your fetch call and pass it a function that returns the response JSON data.
  3. Chain another then method and pass it a callback function to parse the response and store it in a variable named repositories.
  4. Console.log the value of repositories to better see the data returned from your API fetch.
  5. Chain a catch() function to your fetch call to handle errors from the server so the user would know what happened if your Projects section was empty.
  6. Create a variable named projectSection; using DOM Selection to select the projects section by id.
  7. Create a variable named projectList; using DOM Selection query the projectSection (instead of the entire document) to select the list element.
  8. Create a for loop to iterate over your repositories Array, starting at index 0.
  9. Inside the loop, create a variable named project to make a new list item <li> element.
  10. Inside the loop, set the inner text of your project variable to the current Array element's name property.
  11. Inside the loop, append the project element to the projectList element.

On the index.css file:

  1. Add styling to your projects list element, be sure to account for any changes you want in media queries.
  2. As a stretch goal (optional): Use flexbox (or grid) to style your project list.