testing_your_setup - Code-Over-Time/varcade_games GitHub Wiki

Testing your setup

Linux and MacOS

Run the following command in your terminal:

docker --version

If docker is up and running you should see some output similar to this:

Docker version 20.10.11, build 485636f


On windows you will need to open Powershell, if it's not already open then run:

docker --version

If docker is up and running you should see some output similar to this:

Docker version 20.10.11, build 485636f

If you did see this then congratulations! You've successfully setup your computer to be able to work on Varcade Games!

If you did not see this, then it's time to start investigating - but don't worry, there is opportunity here. Learning how to deal with environment specific issues when setting up / working with a project is essential for every software engineer.

If you can't get to the bottom of the issue yourself you can go ahead and create and issue on the Github Repo.

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