Vessels Skylab - CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau GitHub Wiki

Skylab, Spacelab (ETS) and Venus Flyby parts (Hokulani)

Skylab is a large lab supporting up to 6 scientists. Two wet lab variants and parts to build Spacelab (Eyes Turned Skyward, not the Space Shuttle one), and the Venus Flyby craft are available.


Skylab parts in launch configuration

Begin with the S-IVB Instrument Unit as the root part or you'll forget it and won't have control when crew are not present.

On top of the IU place the ALM Airlock Module.

On top of the ALM place the MDA Multiple Docking Adapter. Add three Apollo Passive docking ports.

Below the IU place the OWS Orbital Workshop, and below that the RMPS Radiator Unit.

In 2x symmetry place a pair of PPA Solar Panels on the sides of the lab. These are installed off center, and the panel on the right side goes between the pipe and the white stripe. Extend the panels to insure they look correct.

Still in 2x symmetry, place the ACT RCS Unit top and bottom at the rear of the lab.

Switch to mirror symmetry (middle click on the symmetry button - it should say "MM") and place a pair of DCA Discone Antennas inside the ALM on the bottom about 45 degrees apart. Rotate them so they stick straight up when stowed.

There is no mechanism to move the Apollo Telescope Mount from it's stowed position, so we fly it from one port to another instead.

First grab an Apollo Active Docking Mechanism and flip it upside down. Place it on the forward docking port. Place the OCO Telescope Mount on top of that.

In 4x symmetry, place 4 Apollo DTS RCS Thruster Quads on the small platforms on the top, bottom, left and right sides.

Still in 4x symmetry, place 4 PP Solar Panels on the 45 degree sides of the telescope mount. Extend the panels and check correctness.

Once in orbit undock the Telescope Mount and fly it to the upper docking port (it has a probe core).

Wetlab Configuration

Before Saturn V's became available the plan was to launch Skylab on a Saturn 1B rocket as a wetlab. The ATM would be attached to a LEM Ascent Module and launched with the crew separately.

Wetlab parts

To build a wetlab, replace the OWS Orbital Workshop with a WWS Wet Workshop. The RMPS Radiator Unit is replaced with an S-IVB Engine Mount and J2 Engine. The upper docking port should be an Apollo Active Docking Port instead of Passive, and a small extension under the port will be needed to allow the LEM to clear the MDA (such as the AARDV Node Adapter). This assembly replaces the S-IVB stage of a Saturn 1B rocket. Once in orbit the WWS may be switched from a fuel tank to lab using the right click menu.

The second launch will be a crewed Apollo Saturn 1B. The ATM should be built upside down attached to the bottom of a LEM Ascent Module (use the move tool to align it and expect it to block the door). The RCS thrusters on the ATM are not needed in this setup. Unneeded LiquidFuel and Oxidizer in the Ascent Module, and MonoPropellant in the ATM should be removed to save weight. The LEM/ATM is stored in the SLA and extracted by the CSM once in orbit in the same way a Lunar LEM would be.

LEM-ATM launch

Then the CSM/LEM/ATM flys to Skylab, crew is transferred to the LEM/ATM, and the CSM and LEM/ATM separately dock with Skylab.

LEM-ATM docking



  • Hokulani-OWS Orbital Workshop - 22.5 tons, 6 scientists, best lab.
  • Hokulani-WWS Wet Workshop - 8.4 tons (dry), 4 scientists, a little better than a stock lab.
  • Hokulani-LWWS Light Wet Workshop - 7.3 tons (dry), 2 scientists, equal to a stock lab.

Adapter Modules

  • Hokulani-ALM Airlock Module (Skylab) - 3.5 tons, crew airlock, and is a faring base.
  • Hokulani-RAM Adapter Module (Spacelab) - 1 ton and is a fairing base.
  • Sarnus-BFBM Flyby Mission Module (Venus Flyby) - 1 ton and accepts S-IVB SLA Single Panels so an Apollo capsule may be placed on top. This is the only option that easily facilitates launching the crew with the station.


  • Hokulani-MDA Multiple Docking Adapter - Connected to the ALM or RAM and accepts 3 docking ports up to 1.25m.
  • Hokulani-RAP Radial Attachment Point - Can be used to add additional docking ports.


  • Hokulani-RMPS Radiator Unit - Active Radiator and MonoPropellant storage.
  • Hokulani-ACT RCS Unit - Three way RCS thrusters.
  • Hokulani-PPA Solar Panel (Skylab, Venus Flyby) - 20 ec/sec.
  • Hokulani-PPAx Double Solar Panel (Spacelab) - 40 ec/sec, twice the size and heavier.
  • Hokulani-DCA Discone Antenna (Skylab, Spacelab) - Long hard to place antennas. They can also be mounted externally on the side of the lab if under the adapter is too annoying. 2G range (seriously?).
  • Sarnus-BFBMa(76) Communications Dish (Venus Flyby) - Dish that mounts on the Flyby Mission Module. 3G range.


  • Hokulani-EALM Expansion Airlock Module (Spacelab) - Used to add an airlock to Spacelab. Generally flown up later.
  • Hokulani-FRM Foreign Research Module (Spacelab) - 4 tons, 4 scientists, equal to the WWS lab. For when one lab isn't enough. Flown up later as well.

Spacelab and Venus Flyby Spacelab and VFB