Kane (Apollo) - CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau GitHub Wiki

Block II

Our flagship spacecraft is the Káne-11 CSM. The Block 1 configuration was abandoned during testing, replaced with the much safer and more able Block 2. Capable of carrying a 3 man crew, the design originally was meant to be a general purpose orbiter, then modified for a Direct Ascent Mun landing, before being pressed into service for Munar Orbit Rendezvous. The flexibility of the design is testament to its superb engineering. Using the Block 2 as a starting point, a number of variants will soon become available.

Block II CSM Block II CSM

Block III

The block III is a cut down Kane CSM for low orbit missions. 50% shorter, and we stole the ascent engines off the latest batch of Sina MEMs, to cut costs. Hopefully nobody'll notice.


Block III+

We tried fitting 5 astronauts into the Kane CSM, but they complained about it being "too cramped". After an unfortunate incident where one of the crew bumped a throttle lever with his foot, sending the craft into deep space, we finally caved and attached a large barrel an extra habitation space.

Block III+ CSM

Block V

The latest and greatest in spacecraft technology, the Block V Kane CSM features amore powerful engine and a set of solar panels, extending it's range to allow for more advanced misssions.

Block V CSM Block V CSM

Other Craft

Sina MEM (LEM)


Kanaloa (AARDV)

