FAQ - CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau GitHub Wiki

Frequently Asked Questions

If your question or problem isn't listed here, ask in the thread or raise an issue.

The Apollo Launch Escape System wobbles.

Right click on the LES and autostrut it to the heaviest part. If you don't have a button for autostruts, go into settings and turn on "advanced tweakables".

The BDB science experiments don't work.

Make sure you have DMagicScienceAnimate installed. All the dependencies are included in the download, so make sure you put everything in the GameData folder you downloaded into your KSP's GameData.

The Saturn and Centaur engines don't work

Make sure you have CommunityResourcePack installed. All the dependencies are included in the download, so make sure you put everything in the GameData folder you downloaded into your KSP's GameData.

I don't have the scout/advanced Apollo/other cool parts people are showing off in the thread.

Those parts are still in development. If you want them, download the latest dev version Warning! These are unstable, unfinished, unbalanced, and will probably break your saves!

The parts are really overpowered! I managed to take a MercuryHermes to MercuryMoho.

The parts in BDB are balanced and scaled against the stock parts. Unfortunately, due to KSP's tiny solar system, that means that the rockets you build will be more powerful than their real world counterparts. For realistic balance, use a 2x or 3x system rescale mod, such as KScale2

What parts go to which rocket? They all have weird names, and I'm so confused.

The parts all have kerbalized names, like the planets in KSP. There's a list of the real names, and how to build real rockets, in the manuelmanual. In addition, there's an optional real names config in the BD_Extras (No Warranty) folder, though it might not cover all the latest parts.

Type tags into part list search box to narrow down the list to related parts.

Useful tags

  • Mercury, Hermes, Redstone, Etoh
  • Gemini, Leo (Gemini gets you junk, use Leo)
  • Apollo, Kane
  • Skylab
  • Atlas, Bossart, Muo
  • Titan, Prometheus
  • Saturn, Sarnus
  • S1, S1C, S1E, S2, S4, S4B, S4C (Saturn V is very easy to build using stage tags S4B, S2, S1C)
  • many more

Mercury-Redstone/Hermes-Etoh can't reach space

Your TWR is too low. Empty the upper checkered tank - which, in real life, was actually structural with some avionics. Or add more boosters. Your choice.

Mercury Redstone Flight Plan:

  1. Liftoff (maintain 100% throttle throughout flight).
  2. Pitch over eastward about 0.75 degrees per second.
  3. Stop pitchover at 45 degrees pitch (10,000 - 15,000 meters height).
  4. Hold attitude to burnout.
  5. Jettison tower.
  6. Separate spacecraft from Redstone.
  7. Turn retrograde.
  8. Do stuff.
  9. Apogee (hopefully 100+ km).
  10. Fire retro motor (optional), jettison retro motor, fall back down (not optional).
  11. Deploy parachute at 3000 meters.
  12. Ticker tape parade (assuming step 11 went well).