API - CleverNucleus/data-attributes GitHub Wiki

Data Attributes is designed to be used by other mods; it is an API. It contains the following in com.github.clevernucleus.dataattributes.api:

├ attribute
|   ├ IEntityAttribute.java interface
|   ├ IEntityAttributeInstance.java interface
|   ├ IItemEntityAttributeModifiers.java interface
|   └ StackingBehaviour.java enum
├ event
|   ├ client
|   |   └ ClientSyncedEvent.java class
|   |
|   ├ EntityAttributeModifiedEvents.java class
|   ├ ItemStackCreatedEvent.java class
|   └ ServerSyncedEvent.java class
├ util
|   ├ ItemFields.java class
|   ├ Maths.java class
|   ├ RandDistribution.java class
|   └ VoidConsumer.java class
└ DataAttributesAPI.java class

These are opensource and documented - please view the files and internal documentation with an IDE to fully understand the usage of this API.