Pr release guideline - Cidana-Developers/Cidana-Task-Manager GitHub Wiki

Notes on PR release

Checklist before releasing pr

  1. Format check
    • clang-format check, remember to run the following command to format the modified code before commit:
      $: clang-format -i --style=file $(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR '*.[hc]' '*.cc')
  2. build check:
    • check if build is failing
    • check if there is any build warning on different platforms both on local and remote server;
  3. Dry-run check:
    • check if there is any crash after merging new code;
    • check if the result is expected result.
  4. Commit message check:
    • The commit should have tile and content, and the second line should be empty.
    • No obvious syntax error should be found.
  5. Does the pr base on the latest code? It's better to rebase to the latest code;
  6. Is there any minor pr should be squarshed?

Release Process

  1. initial PR and do self-check according to the checklist.
  2. If the pr meets the requirement, add code reviewer in the PR;
  3. modify the pr until reviewer approve the pr.
  4. After PR is approved, post the release document and add Tester into the reviewer and let Tester double check the result, mainly check the build result on remote server (travis or appvedor), dry-run the result to verify.

Release document

  • Check result
    1. clang-format check: OK or Fail
    2. Local build result:
    • windows: warnings: ?
    • linux: warnings: ?
    • mac (can be ignored for now);
    1. Remote build result:
    • windows: warnings: ?
    • linux: warnings: ?
    • Mac: warnings:
  • Test Plan: how to verify the CL.
  • Dry-run result;