Guide to Generate Coverage Test Report - Cidana-Developers/Cidana-Task-Manager GitHub Wiki

Please following the steps to update source code from upstream and launch coverage test for the report:

  1. Clone a clean copy of Cidana-Developers/SVT-AV1
> git clone
  1. Setup OpenVisualCloud/SVT-AV1 as the upstream of your repository
> git remote add upstream
  1. Sync up master branch upstream for updating, this step required administrator account
> git fetch upstream
> git checkout master
> git rebase upstream/master
> git push
  1. Update coverage_test branch to latest
> git checkout coverage_test
> git rebase master
> git push -f
  1. Trigger coverage test in GitHub
  • Log in GitHub and enter the PR of Coverage test
  • Add a new comment:
coverage_test @./
  1. Get the data of report
  • Log in Jenkins server by SSH client (ip-address, user, and password should ask for IT)
  • Copy the output folder from: /home/av1-slave1/workspace/SVTAV1-Coverage/code_coverage_report/
  • Pack the report data and email to members in AV1 group: