2.2. Gameplay and Greybox Iteration 2 - CiarennHollis/TheTemple GitHub Wiki




  • This is the second iteration of the greyboxing and gameplay for this level
  • Changes were made based on a couple of informal playtests that were done

What Was Done/Changed

  • Modeled out the statues in [The Tribute/Worship area}(https://github.com/CiarennHollis/TheTemple/wiki/1.3.-Top-Down-and-Gameplay-Walkthrough#the-tribute-room) and in [The Labyrinth}(https://github.com/CiarennHollis/TheTemple/wiki/1.3.-Top-Down-and-Gameplay-Walkthrough#the-labyrinth)
  • Enemy placement was changed so the player isn't ambushed upon their first spawn and to better fit the narrative of some of the areas.
  • The ramp was modeled into stairs that the player needs to jump up.
  • The three different paths to the middle of the Labyrinth were changed so that they don't intersect.



GreyboxAndGameplayIt (3)

Tribute/Worship Area

GreyboxAndGameplayIt (4)

Rest Area

GreyboxAndGameplayIt (8)


GreyboxAndGameplayIt (15)

A Second Secret

GreyboxAndGameplayIt (16)