2.2. Gameplay and Greybox Iteration 2 - CiarennHollis/TheTemple GitHub Wiki
This is the second iteration of the greyboxing and gameplay for this level
Changes were made based on a couple of informal playtests that were done
What Was Done/Changed
Modeled out the statues in [The Tribute/Worship area}(https://github.com/CiarennHollis/TheTemple/wiki/1.3.-Top-Down-and-Gameplay-Walkthrough#the-tribute-room) and in [The Labyrinth}(https://github.com/CiarennHollis/TheTemple/wiki/1.3.-Top-Down-and-Gameplay-Walkthrough#the-labyrinth)
Enemy placement was changed so the player isn't ambushed upon their first spawn and to better fit the narrative of some of the areas.
The ramp was modeled into stairs that the player needs to jump up.
The three different paths to the middle of the Labyrinth were changed so that they don't intersect.