1.2. Metrics - CiarennHollis/ChateauBattle GitHub Wiki
Game Metrics
Minimum path width - no paths will be narrower than 64 units (4 squares)
Half cover height - the player can shoot over 32 units (2 squares)
Full cover height - 48 units (3 squares) fully blocks the player
Minimum ceiling height - Ceilings will not be shorter than 128 units (8 squares)
Easy jump height - easy jumps up will be 32 units (2 squares)
Max jump height - harder jumps up will be 48 units (3 squares)
Rocket jump height - Rocket jump won't be used in this map
Easy jump length - easy jumpable gaps will be 48 units (3 squares)
Hard jump length - harder jumpable gaps will be 128 units (8 squares)
- 1 square = 16 (in-game) units when the grid is set to 16
- The player stands at about 48 units (3 squares)