Environment Setup - ChrispyPeaches/FocusFriends GitHub Wiki

Setup IDE

  1. Install the latest version of Visual Studio 2022
  2. After opening Visual Studio, in the top menu select Tools > Get Tools and Features image
  3. For the target installed Visual Studio instance select "Modify" image
  4. Install both the ASP.NET and Web Development and .NET Multi-platform App UI Development packages if they aren't already installed image
  5. Follow the Build Your First .NET MAUI App Guide starting with the first step dealing with the Android Emulator
  6. Follow the guide in the Entity Framework Core documentation page to create a FocusAPI database
  7. If you have Container Tools for Visual Studio installed go to the Tools tab > Settings > Container Tools > Single Project > Debugging
    • Set the "Run a service in container to enable Hot Reload" to False
    • This fixes an issue with running the FocusApp.Client and looks to be a bug in Visual Studio