2%29 Plugin settings - ChrisWinters/includes GitHub Wiki

In the left WP Admin area menu select the "Includes" menu, then click the "Settings" link to open plugin settings.

User interface features

  • Enable shortcode viewer: Uses an empty template to view/test Includes - Enabled by default
    • Disable to use the your themes default page template view/test Includes

About: When previewing an Includes post the default template is a blank white template that includes your themes css file. It's the best way to view how an include will truly look. Disabling the feature will allow you to preview an Includes post using your themes default page template.

  • Enable includes shortcode field(s) on Includes post type view - Enabled by default
    • Adds input fields to quick access the shortcode when viewing saved Includes

About: This is an interface enhancement. Enabling adds an input field on the Includes posts listing, allowing you quick access to a post ready Includes shortcode.

  • Enable includes shortcode field(s) on category term pages - Disabled by default
    • Helpful if you use categories, does the same as above but on the Includes term pages

About: This is an interface enhancement. Enabling adds an input field on the category term pages, allowing you quick access to the category ready Includes shortcode.

  • Enable shortcode widget - a custom widget that renders shortcodes - Disabled by default
    • Add shortcode(s) to classic widgets & content in block widgets - Disabled by default

About: Creates a new widget that allows any shortcode to be added to a widget. It works for both classic and block widgets. In the backend, classic widges render the shortcode code, ie: [includes slug="something"] while in block widgets the saved Includes content is rendered.

  • Enable code editor and allow the Includes shortcode to render saved code
    • Allows for PHP, JavaScript, and Stylesheets - Disabled by default

About: This is an advanced feature. Only enable if you know what you are doing and understand the risks. This feature adds a second editor to all Includes allowing you to add code, which can be rendered using the Includes shortcode, example: [includes code slug="something"]

  • Dropdown to set the menu location for the Includes plugin

About: Allows you to move the location of the Includes plugin on the main WordPress menu.

Enhance WordPress features

  • Allow "slugs" from posts and pages to be used by the Includes shortcode
    • If used, test to ensure content works as expected

About: Not all posts or pages work well as content. Always test to make sure you are getting the expected results.

  • Allow post and page titles to render shortcodes
    • Only enable if needed, requires extra resources
  • Allow menus to render shortcodes
    • Only enable if needed, requires extra resources
  • Allow widgets to render shortcodes
    • Only enable if needed, requires extra resources

PHP memory limits

The above 4 "other default disabled features" will consume more PHP memory, while minor it is still more. The more features that get enabled, the more memory that PHP will use. Some hosting providers, themes, and other plugins sometimes reach PHP memory limits when using these features. Use them sparingly.

Plugin updates

The Includes plugin uses YahnisElsts/plugin-update-checker to allow updates to work like any other WordPress plugin - other than it updates from GitHub instead of the official WordPress repo.

Running npm run version automatically populates the updates.json file. Plugin update checker reads this file to check if an update is pending.

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