Generating Random Data - Chewhern/ASodium GitHub Wiki

For detail descriptions on the functionalities on this section of the cryptography binding, kindly refers to official libsodium documentation.

Random bytes generation for cryptographical use

Initial Functions

public static Byte[] GetRandomBytes(int Count)
public static Byte[] GetSeededRandomBytes(long Count, Byte[] Seed,Boolean ClearKey=false)

Example code (1st)

Byte[] RandomByte = SodiumRNG.GetRandomBytes(32);
//All messagebox functions are only available in .Net 5 Winforms or .Net Framework 4.7.2
//In a similar manner, you can also confirm the presence of the data through libsodium helper
MessageBox.Show(new System.Numerics.BigInteger(RandomByte).ToString());

Example code (2nd)

Byte[] RandomByte = new Byte[32];
RNGCryptoServiceProvider rngCsp = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
Byte[] SeededRandomByte = new Byte[32];
SeededRandomByte = SodiumRNG.GetSeededRandomBytes(128, RandomByte);
MessageBox.Show(new System.Numerics.BigInteger(SeededRandomByte).ToString());

Byte[] RandomByte = SodiumRNG.GetRandomBytes(32);
Byte[] SeededRandomByte = new Byte[32];
SeededRandomByte = SodiumRNG.GetSeededRandomBytes(128, RandomByte);
MessageBox.Show(new System.Numerics.BigInteger(SeededRandomByte).ToString());

General unpredictable random number generation

Initial Functions

public static uint GetUniformUpperBoundRandomNumber(uint upperBound)
public static uint GetRandomNumber()

Example code (1st)

uint MyRNGNumber = SodiumRNG.GetUniformUpperBoundRandomNumber(32);
//Assuming after this initial calling, the variable has this value reside within
//What this function actually does is get the remainder after dividing by the given number
//within the custom parameter

Example code (2nd)

uint MyRNGNumber = SodiumRNG.GetRandomNumber();