User Stories - ChandlerWeeks/Group2 GitHub Wiki

User Stories:

A list of requirements along with user stories associated with said requirements

Acceptance testing performed by explaining the steps associated with fulfilling a user story

Requirement: Users with different roles (Buyer, Seller, Admin) should be able to login into their accounts to be able to perform different actions and logout.

Title: User_Login

ID: 0001 ✔️

Description: As a user, I should be able to log in and log out so that I can use and leave the website.

  1. User is not logged in and visits the login page
  2. User inputs username and password before clicking the “Login” button
  3. The system passes this information to the authentication service
  4. If the authentication is successful, the user is sent to the home page, and if it is unsuccessful, then the user is returned to the login page, with an error message

Title: Seller_Login

ID: 0002 ✔️

Description: As a seller, I should be able to log in and log out so that I can sell product

  1. User is not logged in and visits the login page
  2. User inputs username and password before clicking the “Login” button
  3. The system passes this information to the authentication service
  4. If the authentication is successful, the user is sent to the home page, and if it is unsuccessful, then the user is returned to the login page, with an error message

Title: Admin_Login

ID: 0003 ✔️

Description: As an admin, I should be able to log in and out to moderate users and product

  1. User is not logged in and visits the login page
  2. User inputs username and password before clicking the “Login” button
  3. The system passes this information to the authentication service
  4. If the authentication is successful, the user is sent to the home page, and if it is unsuccessful, then the user is returned to the login page, with an error message

Requirement: A buyer should be able to search, compare, buy and return different types of products from different sellers.

Title: Buyer_Search

ID: 0004 ✔️

Description: As a buyer, I should be able to search for items so that I can shop

  1. Buyer navigates to the search bar
  2. Buyer types an item he is looking for
  3. Similar items to the search input appear

Title: Buyer_Compare

ID: 0005 ✔️

Description: As a buyer, I should be able to compare one item to another item, to make informed decisions

  1. Buyer clicks on a product’s page
  2. The user scrolls down, and similar products are displayed

Title: Buyer_Buy

ID: 0006 ✔️

Description: As a buyer, I should be able to purchase items, so that I can receive an item I want

  1. Buyer adds an item to their cart
  2. Buyer clicks “Checkout”
  3. Buyer inputs their shipping and payment information into the proper fields, or the info is loaded from the database if the buyer previously set it.
  4. Buyer clicks “Confirm Purchase”

Title: Buyer_Return

ID: 0007 ✔️

Description: As a buyer, I should be able to return a purchased item, so that I can get refunded for unwanted product

  1. Buyer navigates to return page
  2. Buyer inputs return information
  3. Buyer gets return instructions
  4. Buyer returns item
  5. Buyer receives refund

Requirement: A seller should be able to add, sell and receive payments for their available products.

Title: Seller_List

ID: 0008 ✔️

Description: As a seller, I should be able to list items to sell, so that I can sell product

  1. Seller navigates to “Create Item Listing” page
  2. Seller inputs information about the item (name, price, description, stock…)
  3. Seller clicks “Submit”
  4. Seller waits for an admin to approve listing

Title: Seller_Sell

ID: 0009 ✔️

Description: As a seller, I should be able to sell the product I list, so that I can profit

  1. Seller lists a product
  2. Seller waits for an admin to approve listing
  3. After approval, seller waits for a buyer to add item to cart

Title: Seller_Recieve_Payments

ID: 0010 ✔️

Description: As a seller, I should be able to receive the payments for product I sell, in order to profit

  1. Seller sells an item
  2. Seller's balance increases to account for the price
  3. Seller Navigates to "View Profits" Page
  4. If a Seller has their card registered, they can redeem the funds they have received.

Requirement: An admin should be able to approve/block new user accounts and products, and oversee different user actions.

Title: Admin_Approve_Accounts

ID: 0011 ✔️

Description: As an admin, I should be able to approve the creation of new user accounts, to prevent spam or bots

  1. Admin visits the account approval page
  2. A list of potential users is displayed, along with buttons to “Approve” and “Reject”
  3. When the admin clicks either button for approving, and the user can no purchase merchandise

Title: Admin_Approve_Products

ID: 0012 ✔️

Description: As an admin, I should be able to approve the addition of new product, to prevent bad or spam products

  1. Admin visits the product approval page
  2. A list of potential products is displayed, along with buttons to “Approve” and “Reject”
  3. When the admin clicks approve, and the product is now purchasable

Title: Admin_Reject_Accounts

ID: 0013 ✔️

Description: As an admin, I should be able to reject the creation of new users, to prevent spam or bots

  1. Admin visits the product approval page
  2. A list of potential products is displayed, along with buttons to “Approve” and “Reject”
  3. When the admin clicks decline, and the account can no longer list or buy products

Title: Admin_Reject_Products

ID: 0014 ✔️

Description: As an admin, I should be able to reject the creation of products, to prevent spam or bad products

  1. Admin visits the account approval page
  2. A list of potential users is displayed, along with buttons to “Approve” and “Reject”
  3. When the admin clicks either button for decline, and the user disappears from the screen

Title: Admin_Overview

ID: 0015 ✔️

Description: As an admin, I should be able to overview the actions of sellers and users, to prevent spam and bots

  1. Admin opens the “admin" page
  2. Admin views a list of items posted by sellers and orders from users