Stages - Ch1216/splatcraft-forge GitHub Wiki

Stages are regions created by the /stage command, Inside stages there are special game rules called settings may be set to different values than they are in the world This can, for examples make it so inside the area of a stage ink does not decay, but outside the stage it does


The default settings of a stage are the settings of the gamerule they are based off, they can be changed with the /stage settings command

Setting Description
cornerA Determines the size of the region of the stage
cornerB Determines the size of the region of the stage
inkableGround Whether blocks should be inkable with splatcraft weapons
inkDecay Whether ink should disapear off blocks
inkDestroysFoliage Whether crops, saplings, and replaceable plants are destroyed when the block below them is inked
inkFriendlyFire Whether ink damages players of the same color
inkHealing Whether health regenerates when a player is submerged in ink
inkHealingConsumesHunger Whether health regeneration when being submmerged in ink should consume hunger
keepMatchItems Whether players keep Splatcraft main weapons, ink tanks and some cosmetics, after dying
rechargeableInkTank Whether ink should regenerate in Ink Tanks
requireInkTank Whether ink is required to use Splatcraft Weapons
universalInk Whether players can swim in enemy ink
waterDamage Whether players are damaged by water


With /stage teams <stage> set stages can have blocks that are tagged as part of a team

With /replacecolor one may change the color of all tagged blocks in a stage at once

With /inkcolor one may change the ink color of a player to match a stages team's ink color

Other Command intergrations

With /clearink one may clear all the ink inside a stage

with /scanturf one may scan all the ink inside a stage and determine a winner of a turf war

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️