Game rules - Ch1216/splatcraft-forge GitHub Wiki

Splatcraft has its own gamerules, in-game each gamrule is prefixed with "splatcraft."

List of Game Rules

Gamerule Description Default
coloredPlayerNames Whether player's nametag matches their ink color false
dropCrateLoot Whether Sunken Crates should drop their loot when they are mined and not by inking it open false
infiniteInkInCreative Whether players in creative need ink or an ink tank to use Splatcraft weapons true
inkableGround Whether blocks should be inkable with splatcraft weapons true
inkDamageCooldown Whether ink damage bypasses hurt resistance time false
inkDecay Whether ink should disapear off blocks true
inkDecayRate The likelyhood of ink decaying per tick 3
inkDestroysFoliage Whether crops, saplings, and replaceable plants are destroyed when the block below them is inked true
inkFriendlyFire Whether ink damages players of the same color false
inkHealing Whether health regenerates when a player is submerged in ink true
inkHealingConsumesHunger Whether health regeneration when being submmerged in ink should consume hunger true
inkMobDamagePercentage The percentage of full(player) damage from splatcraft weapons that should be dealt to mobs 70
keepMatchItems Whether players keep Splatcraft main weapons, ink tanks and some cosmetics, after dying false
rechargeableInkTank Whether ink should regenerate in Ink Tanks true
requireInkTank Whether ink is required to use Splatcraft Weapons true
universalInk Whether players can swim in enemy ink false
waterDamage Whether players are damaged by water false

Additional behavior

  • keepMatchItems

    • Items kept by the game rule is determined by the #splatcraft:match_items item tag
  • waterDamage

    • Players with the Water Breathing effect will not take water damage